All About Sound Healing

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Sound Healing

Sound Healing. You’ve maybe heard these words but you might have no idea what they mean. It’s not just some new age fad or a hot topic. Sound Healing is an incredibly therapeutic and, in fact ancient way, of attuning our bodies and restoring a state of balance.

What Is Sound Healing?

Sound Healing may refer to a very wide variety of practices using music, chanting, or song as a form of therapy for the mind, body, and nervous system. While different Sound Healing guides may use any combination of these techniques, one form of Sound Healing that is being offered more and more these days is a guided experience that uses vibrational frequencies to put the body in a balanced, neutral state. 

In this type of guided Sound Healing, the participants will lay down on the yoga mat or a comfortable surface in a relaxed position. The Sound Healing guide or practitioner will play different instruments and use things such as tuning forks, singing bowls, and other items to create music and tonal frequencies that tap into frequencies within our bodies. You’ve probably heard people say or have said it yourself at times that you, “Like that person’s vibe.” Or maybe you don’t like someone’s vibe. Well, that vibe is a real thing, as all living creatures on the planet emit frequencies. Often times when we are picking up a vibe we either like or don’t like, it’s based on our frequencies or someone else’s frequency and whether or not those frequencies are in balance. Sound Healing can help balance our internal frequencies. 

How Does Sound Healing Work?

When the Sound Healing practitioner plays certain tonal frequencies, those sounds create a form of musical meditation, helping the brain waves slow down and allowing our mind to enter a deeply calm and restorative state. When are brain is in this state, our body knows it is safe and is able to focus on resting and healing, something that our bodies are not able to do if we are in a heightened state of stress or stuck in a traumatic response.

In today’s fast paced way of life, combined with the collective stress brought on by the past year, many of us are living in a state of constant stress, anxiety, fear, and/or trauma response. It’s as if our bodies are stuck in fight or flight mode, which is what happens when your nervous system is doing what it does best to help you survive. In order to get back into a state of rest and digest, which is the calm state that we ideally hope to spend more time in, we must first signal to the brain that we are now, in fact, safe and that the nervous system can take a rest and let our bodies do their own healing magic. 

Who Should Do Sound Healing?

Sound Healing is for everyone and anyone! The beauty of Sound Healing is that it is open and available to anyone. You don’t have to be a meditation master or an advanced yoga practitioner to enjoy and benefit from Sound Healing. It puts the body in a very relaxed and meditative state through the use of music, sounds, and instruments so if you feel that meditation is a challenge for you, then Sound Healing will likely feel less intimidating and more accessible. No matter who you are, anyone may benefit from a Sound Healing session.

All About Sound Healing