Crystal healing properties

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AGATE (CRAZY LACE): Crazy Lace Agate promotes mental agility & liveliness, and encourages flexibility in thinking & action. Agate promotes inner stability, composure, and maturity. Its warm, protective properties encourage security and self-confidence. It is a great crystal to use during pregnancy. It’s also useful as a protection amulet when traveling, and supports the Third Eye chakra.

AGATE (DENDRITIC): Known as the stone of plentitude, Dendritic Agate attracts abundance. It is associated with woodland and tree spirits, promotes growth in all areas and deepens our connection to earth. It boosts strength & stability, and supports the Root Chakra. 

AGATE (FLOWER): A fairly new discovery from Madagascar, Flower Agate has a soft, nurturing, feminine energy. It aids in manifestation, personal growth and evolution, and brings enjoyment to life. It helps focus the mind to get tasks done, and supports the Heart Chakra.

AGATE (MOSS): Moss Agate is considered to be the stone of new beginnings and is all about attracting abundance and tapping into deep-set creativity. Just like nature, this stone works to soothe, calm and help you feel connected to the world both beneath your feet and above your head. Like many other green stones, Moss Agate balances the Heart Chakra, ensuring there are no blockages there so that love and abundance can flow.

AGATE (ORCA): Orca Agate holds the color and energy of earth's oceans. It is said to be the stone of truth and communication. In reflection of its namesake, it carries the energy of gentle power and graceful flow that lead to inner peacefulness.

AMAZONITE: Amazonite is great for non-verbal expression. It is a good energy filter, blocking geopathic stress as well as electromagnetic pollution emitted from computers, microwaves, or cell phones. It soothes aggravation and emotional trauma, eases irritation, and calms all of the chakras. It also assists the user in seeing different sides of the same issue and balances masculine & feminine energy. It helps you express your own thoughts and set clear boundaries, and supports the Throat and Heart chakras.

AMETHYST: Known as the “All Healer”, Amethyst is a natural stress reliever that clears negative energy and brings peace, stability, courage and inner strength. It helps to balance emotional highs and lows, while encouraging honesty and self control. It helps battle addiction, stimulates creativity and enhances meditation and intuition. Amethyst supports the Crown Chakra. 

ANGELITE (ANHYDRITE): Angelite has a connection to the higher realms, facilitating angelic communication. It is a soothing, peaceful, and uplifting stone, helpful during times of transition. It can be used during meditation to enhance the meditative state, and to clarify issues in one's current situations as they arise. Angelite supports Third Eye and Throat Chakras.

APACHE TEAR: This stone helps to relieve anxiety and sustains one at times of great sorrow and grief. It protects against negative energies as well as psychic vampires, helps combat self limiting beliefs, calms the emotions and brings emotional balance. Use it to clear the aura of negative energy and make way for more positive healthy energies. Apache Tears support the Root Chakra.

APATITE (BLUE):  This stone clears confusion and frustration, reducing irritability and awakening the inner self. It eases sorrow, anger and apathy and is a deeply spiritual crystal that can cleanse the aura and aids in problem solving. Apatite (blue) is associated with healthy eating and has been known to suppress hunger and raise the metabolism. It physically aids in absorption of calcium, helping with cartilage, bones, & teeth, encourages formation of new cells and supports the Throat Chakra.

APATITE (GREEN): This is an excellent crystal for manifestation and grounding. It reconnects us to the earth’s energies, nature and the animal kingdom. It boosts motivation and enthusiasm at work. Apatite (green) is a great crystal for healers as it maintains a positive, clear energy field and a heart centered focus. It physically aids in absorption of calcium, helping with cartilage, bones, and teeth. It stimulates hope & renewed courage and supports the Heart Chakra.

APOPHYLLITE: This is a high vibrational stone that helps one attune their energies to those of higher dimensions and realms. It helps you expand your consciousness, astral project, lucid dream and spiritually energize your entire being. You can use this stone when you’d like to connect with spiritual beings and guides.

AQUAMARINE: This stone evokes the exhilaration and relaxation of the sea, protects those who travel by, over, or near water, opens the channels of clear heartfelt communication, helps you speak your truth and helps overcome the fear of speaking in general. Aquamarine encourages responsibility, boosts courage, heightens intuition and is a stone of courage. Its calming energies reduce stress, quiet the mind and has an affinity with sensitive people. It can invoke tolerance of others and help one overcome judgmentalism, giving support to those overwhelmed by responsibility.

ARAGONITE (BLUE):  Known as the Stone of Hope, Aragonite has a comforting & calming energy that brings empathy and aids in dealing with others. It aids in manifesting and invokes the calming energy of the ocean. It helps you communicate w/ your spirit guides and can aid in navigating Twin Flame relationships. Blue Aragonite supports the Throat Chakra.

ASTROPHYLLITE:  This stone has a strong illuminating energy that promotes tranquility and honesty. It encourages self worth & self love, and aids in moving forward with new experiences. Astrophyllite enhances mental function, helps overcome the lack of concentration, heals emotional disharmony and helps you accept more love into your life. It also supports the Crown Chakra. 

ATLANTISITE: This stone combines the earthly powers of Serpentine with the loving and compassionate energies of Stichtite. It’s a key prosperity and abundance crystal that boosts energy levels while retaining a calming vibration. It brings peace and tranquility to your environment and is excellent for meditation & past life work. It stimulates Kundalini energy and connects the Heart & Crown Chakras.

AVENTURINE (GREEN): Green Aventurine is known as the stone of luck & opportunity, which makes it a must-have for inviting abundance and prosperity into your life. Besides boosting your luck in everyday situations, aventurine’s healing properties are especially useful for high-stakes moments like job interviews, performances, important meetings, and dates. It helps to develop courage & independence and supports the Heart Chakra.

AURA QUARTZ  (BLUE): This stone can enhance communication of all kinds. It can help one both speak & see the truth, and aids in communications with the spiritual realms (guides, angels, guardians). Blue Aura Quartz is a wonderful stone for meditation & healing work, and it supports the Throat Chakra. 

AURA QUARTZ (ORANGE): Tangerine Aura Quartz is a healing stone for trauma and putting the past in the past. It helps to increase self-esteem, stops limiting beliefs and assists in thinking more positively. It’s also a great stone to enhance creativity and is extremely supportive of spiritual exploration. It can be used to uplift the spirit through empowerment and disperse dark moods. Tangerine Aura Quartz supports the Solar Plexus Chakra. 

BANDED AGATE: This is a healing stone for the body, mind and spirit. It can increase grounding, concentration, honesty and memory. Banded Agate also protects the wearer from psychic attacks, thereby preventing negative energy from harming you. It helps one find self acceptance and confidence. It overcomes negativity and bitterness of the heart, by accessing the courage to start over, healing anger and fostering love. Banded Agate supports the Root Chakra. 

BISMUTH: This crystal connects to the astral and spirit realms, and aids with focus & visualization in meditation or shamanic journeys. Bismuth is a stone of transformation, helping one to adapt to changes and move forward. With its gorgeous rainbow coloring, Bismuth supports all Chakras.

BLACK OPAL: Black Opal offers complete protection of one's emotional body and aura. This crystal provides one with an etheric shield against negative energy as well as another person’s emotional toxicity. Black Opal will help one stay calm and relaxed in uncomfortable situations, while also acting as a daily reminder that you're not alone on this journey.

BLOODSTONE: Bloodstone is an excellent blood cleanser and a powerful healing stone. It heightens intuition, increases activity and helps with grounding and protection. Bloodstone draws off negative environmental energy, helping to overcome influences such as geopathic or electromagnetic stress. It stimulates dreaming and is a powerful revitalizer.

BLUE AMBER: A stone of positivity and joy, Blue Amber is noted for its ability to multitask in all areas of healing. It makes an excellent aid for clairvoyants and anyone with psychic abilities, helps to heal mental disorders, transforms negativity into a positive joy-filled energy and enhances health and well-being.

BLUE LACE AGATE: Blue Lace Agate is a wonderful metaphysical healing stone that is great for activating and healing the Throat Chakra. It enhances verbal communication, self -expression and is both a grounding & uplifting stone, allowing one to bring their spiritual experiences into their everyday reality.

CALCITE (BLUE): A powerful energy amplifier and cleanser. It aids learning, memory and communication, soothes anxiety, helps one see things from many angles and have new outlooks. Blue Calcite supports the Throat Chakra.

CALCITE (DRAGON’S BLOOD): This stone encourages hard work and determination. It’s a powerful energy amplifier that can aid with releasing depression, fear, anxiety and improves vitality, inspiration, and creativity. It increases sexual energy, has the ability to release heat & inflammation and is a great healer for arthritis. Dragon’s Blood Calcite supports the Root Chakra.

CALCITE (GOLD):  This stone encourages responsibility in leadership and the correct use of power. It increases confidence, helps with decision making and is helpful for learning all types of skills & developing new talents. Gold Calcite (also known as Honey Calcite) supports the Solar Plexus Chakra.

CALCITE (GREEN): This stone radiates calming energies and removes energetic blockages. It helps to dissolve old energy patterns and belief systems. It can also assist in drawing money and prosperity to your door. It encourages one to process lifes’ ups and downs with ease. Green Calcite supports the Heart Chakra.

CALCITE (MANGANO): This stone promotes unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness, including forgiving yourself. Mangano Calcite helps to prevent nightmares and dissolves resistance to change. It aids in expressing your true emotions with confidence and can help with connecting to spirit guides & angels. Mangano Calcite supports the Heart Chakra. 

CALCITE (ORANGE):  Full of bright, fresh, sunny energy, this stone encourages hard work and determination. It is a powerful energy amplifier that aids with depression and improves vitality, inspiration, and creativity. It increases sexual energy and supports the Sacral and Root Chakras.

CALCITE (STRAWBERRY): Strawberry Calcite is similar to Strawberry Quartz with its motivating energies. It clears emotional blockages and connects inner thoughts. It elevates spirit, bringing on motivation and will-power. If you are feeling especially lazy or unproductive, carrying around Strawberry Calcite will help eliminate these tendencies. It helps you focus your fantasies into real goals. Overall, this stone reveals your passions and positively motivates you to pursue.

CALCITE (ZEBRA): This is a stone of motivation, prosperity, power, physical healing, personal will, and peace of mind, Zebra Calcite activates all seven Chakras to assist in spiritual awakening, transformation, self discovery, and self-healing. The grounding force of Zebra Calcite also aids in anxiety relief, overcoming PTSD, insight, empathy, and inner peace. Zebra Calcite is associated with the flowing sensitivity of Pisces, the balanced wisdom of Libra, and Gemini's duality of the soul.

CARNELIAN: Carnelian is known as the stone of motivation, endurance, leadership and courage. It inspires power, increases stamina, vitality, boosts creativity and gives courage. It helps you to trust yourself and your instincts, calms anger & banishes emotional negativity. It’s known to stimulate metabolism and supports the Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus Chakras. 

CELESTITE: Celestite, also known as Celestine is a powerful stone that promotes spiritual development and clairvoyance. It is a high vibration stone and a teacher for the New Age. It can connect you to the Angelic realms and invite angels into your space. It also helps to promote restful sleep by calming the mind. Celestite supports the Third Eye and Throat Chakras. 

CHAROITE: This stone is found only in Siberia, Russia and is named after the Chara River. Chary in Russian means magic or charm. Charoite helps you to live in the moment, grounds the spirit and helps with inner vision. It improves intuition and attention span, helps one to see new opportunities, focuses the mind for meditation and supports the Third Eye Chakra.

CHRYSANTHEMUM STONE: These stones were formed at the bottom of the ocean 240-290 million years ago. They help you to step outside your comfort zone, try new things, bring new opportunities, help to unlock potential and attract prosperity and abundance. Chrysanthemum Stone supports the Crown and Root chakras. 

CHRYSOCOLLA: Chrysocolla is a very peaceful and joyful stone. It is soothing and calming in times of stress. Chrysocolla, with associations of tranquility, peace, intuition, patience and unconditional love, is known as a powerful healing stone among Native American cultures where it has been used to strengthen the body's resistance to illness and emotional duress. It imparts confidence and sensitivity to other people’s feelings, can aid in shifting constant negative thoughts to be more positive and supports the Heart and Throat Chakras. 

CHRYSOPRASE: This stone promotes optimism and personal insight. It has metaphysical properties for healing as well as being a stone to attract new love, abundance and prosperity. It promotes joy & happiness and brings through the vibration of Divine Truth, while helping to heal the heart of the energy of depression and anxiety. It encourages regeneration on all levels and supports the Solar Plexus & Heart Chakras.

CHRYSOPRASE (CITRON):  This is a wonderful crystal ally to help us cultivate unconditional love and compassion, particularly at times when it is not easy to be empathetic. Citron Chrysoprase releases stress and helps us to find our emotional balance. It helps one feel peaceful, balanced, patient, forgiving and it supports the Heart, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras. 

CITRINE: Citrine attracts wealth, prosperity and success. It imparts joy, wonder, delight and enthusiasm and raises self-esteem and self-confidence. Citrine heightens self-discipline, attracting professional success and wealth. Citrine promotes motivation, activates creativity and encourages self-expression. It’s a sunny stone with a joyful vibration. Citrine supports the Solar Plexus chakra 

COPPER:  Copper is s strong conductor that is known to be great for circulation and any blood related disorders. it’s excellent for using with other crystals because it amplifies thought & communication and combats exhaustion. Copper supports the Root Chakra. 

DESERT ROSE:  Also known as Selenite Rose, this stone assists in accessing past/future lives in meditation, has the ability to unlock our divine abilities and can assist with mental clarity, focus and self expression. Desert Rose is considered to be a lucky stone that brings prosperity in business. It helps strengthen relationships, increases motivation to achieve goals and supports the Root, Crown, and Sacral Chakras. 

EMERALD: Emerald is a stone that represents free-flowing energy and directly empowers our heart center. This desired mineral harnesses our true emotional body and is capable of projecting this representation into the physical realm. Our heart space is capable of containing only so much emotion that we must self-release the unnecessary attachments.

EPIDOTE: Epidote increases perception and interaction with spiritual beings, and brings spiritual growth. Epidote is a great stone for releasing negativity and raising one's vibrational energy. As a powerful heart stone, it is helpful for those stuck in modes of depression, hopelessness, heartbreak or other negative thinking patterns. Epidote supports the Heart Chakra. 

FLUORITE: Fluorite is a highly protective and stabilizing stone, useful for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. Fluorite increases intuitive abilities, links the human mind to universal consciousness, and develops connection to Spirit. It can also clear the aura of negative energies, exchanging them for high vibration ones. Fluorite supports the Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras.

GARNET: Garnet inspires a sense of lightness and brightness, illuminating dark places and dark souls. It is a good stone for depression, bringing joy and hope. It helps to lessen anger, especially towards oneself. Garnet’s fire stimulates the survival instinct, bringing willpower and courage to a situation. It will quickly “light a fire” under you, bringing those internalized ideas and feelings you have to the surface to be acted upon and carried out. Garnet supports the Root & Sacral Chakra. 

GARNIERITE:  This stone helps to revitalize and recharge. It brings focus to help achieve goals, soothes loving energy of all kinds, allows one to feel the universal loving energy fully and in turn be open and supportive to others. Garnierite supports the Heart Chakra. 

GIRASOL: Girasol is a very pale form of Rose quartz that has powerful calming energy. It enhances love and passion, boosts creativity, helps you vocalize difficult issues and aids in growing personal or professional relationships. With its gentle and calming energy it can help you connect more clearly with your true feelings. Girasol supports the Heart & Crown Chakras. 

GOLDEN HEALER: Also known as Tangerine Lemurian Quartz, this stone has an extremely high vibration. It attracts abundance and prosperity, brings joy and happiness, boosts self confidence and self esteem, instills courage to take risks and aids past life work & akashic records work. Golden Healer supports the Sacral, Solar Plexus and Crown Chakras.

GOLDSTONE: This is a very protective stone with sunny, warm positive energy. It is calming in stressful situations and can help boost confidence. Goldstone aids in transforming thoughts into realized goals and ambitions and supports the Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras. 

HEMATITE: This stone helps to absorb negative energy and calms in times of stress or worry. Hematite is a very protective stone and is great to carry to help you stay grounded in situations. It’s a powerful stone to transform negative energies into a more positive vibration. Those in relationships can benefit from the cooperation vibe this stone emits. Hematite supports the Root Chakra.

HEMATOID QUARTZ: Hematoid Quartz is a very protective and grounding crystal. It inspires optimism & positivity, and increases self confidence. It helps one restore balance to all energies, helping one to move forward in life. Hematoid Quartz supports the Root & Sacral Chakras. 

HOWLITE: Howlite is one of the “attunement stones” which links the user to higher spiritual consciousness. It’s helpful to use when needing to reduce anxiety & tension. Howlite can be used to facilitate awareness, encourage emotional expression and assist in the elimination of pain, stress and/or rage. Howlite is said to balance calcium levels in the body. It relieves and unburdens an overactive mind, helping with insomnia and supports the Crown Chakra.

ISLANDIC SPAR: Also known as Optical Calcite, this stone clears and activates all chakras, improving the flow of energy. It helps with eye issues, can relieve migraines and is a powerful amplifier for all stones. It also helps in finding solutions and figuring out the root of the problem.

INDIGO GABRO: This is a very powerful healing stone, also known as “Mystic Merlinite”. It helps tremendously with positive mental growth, effectively boosts the immune system, and is very grounding & protective. It helps the body heal from any kind of infection and is great for post surgery, bruising or sprain. Indigo Gabro supports the Root and Third Eye Chakras. 

JADE:  Jade is a very lucky gemstone that creates harmony of the mind, body and spirit. It helps to instill prosperity and wealth into all areas of your life, soothes the mind, releasing negative thoughts and promotes self sufficiency and can also be used to support, heal and open the Heart Chakra.

JASPER: Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer.” It sustains and supports during times of stress, bringing a sense of tranquility and wholeness. Used in healing, it unifies all aspects of your life. Jasper is often used to facilitate dreaming/dream recall and shamanic journeys. It is a nurturing stone of protection, absorbing all types of negative energies.  Jasper supports the Throat Chakra. 

JASPER (BRECCIATED): This stone combines the nurturing energy of Jasper with the grounding quality of Hematite, resulting in emotional stability and mental clarity. It boosts strength and vitality, brings mental focus and clarity, helps with detoxifying, stabilizes the aura and promotes self confidence. Brecciated Jasper supports the Sacral and Root Chakras.  

JASPER (BUMBLEBEE): This is a stone of happiness and joy. It boosts confidence and inner power, protects one from negative energy, brings clarity and increases motivation & willpower. It helps to clear blocked energy and is said to be an antidote to fear, indecisiveness, and hesitation. Bumble bee Jasper supports the Solar Plexus & Sacral Chakras.

JASPER (DALMATIAN): This stone encourages positivity, happiness and brings good luck. Dalmatian Jasper reconnects us with our playful energy. It’s good for relationships and letting go of the past and it helps to balance yin/yang energies. Dalmatian Jasper supports the Root Chakra.

JASPER (DRAGON’S BLOOD):  This stone helps promote patience and personal power, aids with courage and strength of will, helps to dissolve sadness, self-pity and dispels critical tendencies or closed mindedness. Dragon’s Blood Jasper is also known as the stone of courage, and it supports the Root Chakra.

JASPER (KAMBABA): This is a stone of peace and tranquility that releases negativity, helps to banish nightmares and aids in deep restful sleep. It attracts prosperity and helps  us be more connected to what we embrace or resist. Kambaba Jasper supports the Heart Chakra. 

JASPER (KIWI): Kiwi Jasper is an excellent nurturing stone. It can both sustain and support us during times of stress and it helps us to feel much more tranquil, peaceful and relaxed. It is a great stone for those who work as healers, counsellors or therapists or those who work on behalf of others as it helps to raise our spirits, lift our mood and helps to attune us to the Earths natural pulse of love.

JASPER (LEOPARDSKIN):  Leopardskin Jasper aides in out of body experiences and journeying. It is a powerful protection stone. Like all Jaspers, Leopardskin Jasper is closely associated with strength & vitality, and brings stability to those who may be experiencing chaotic energies in this incarnation. Native Americans believed it to connect one closely with their animal guides and could aid in shamanic work. Leopardskin Jasper supports all Chakras. 

JASPER (OCEAN):  Ocean Jasper has a powerful grounding energy that provides support and restores physical balance. It helps you let go of what no longer serves you and gives you sufficient confidence with changes. Ocean Jasper supports the Throat, Heart, and Solar Plexus Chakras. 

JASPER (PICTURE):  Picture Jasper has a deep connection to the earth. It’s a nurturing and protective stone that brings comfort by alleviating fear, stress & anxiety. It gives one the opportunity to see the bigger picture and move forward with courage and confidence. As a stone of creative visualization, it’s great to use for manifesting, meditation, and dream work. Picture Jasper supports the Root Chakra. 

JASPER (POLYCHROME): Polychrome Jasper aids in awakening our passion and what fires us up. It helps in finding new love and relationships, boosts passion & vitality but can also be very grounding and centering, when need be. It stirs creativity & inspiration, helping you find your life’s passion and purpose. Polychrome Jasper supports the Solar Plexus Chakra. 

JASPER (POPPY): This is a very grounding stone that can align chakras. It brings courage, strength, and willpower, soothes heartache and brings emotional balance. It supports a positive outlook and can help with allergies. It brings happiness and helps one have a more positive general outlook on life. Poppy Jasper supports the Root Chakra. 

JASPER (RED): This fiery crystal is great for harnessing passionate energy. This stone connects and balances the Root Chakra, helping one to ground and feel stable. Red Jasper can also aid in creativity, stamina, emotional equilibrium, and raising the kundalini.

JET: Jet is a powerful protection stone that facilitates the release of negative emotions, such as stress, anxiety, fear, grief, anger and depression. It spiritually protects and purifies the mind, body, and soul from negative energy. Also, Jet is a great stone for balancing mood, protection, and harnessing psychic openness. It is a very grounding stone that can aid in deeper meditation and supports the root chakra.

KYANITE (BLACK): Black Kyanite is a balancing crystal that is beneficial for space clearing and energetic protection. It is a stone that helps you align all your chakras, removing any blocks or imbalances within each center. It is often used to explore past-lives, helps to anticipate how current actions affect future lives, and assists in receiving psychic & intuitive thoughts, and dream recall.

KYANITE (BLUE): Blue Kyanite's light to deep blue energy stimulates, activates, opens, and heals the Throat and Third Eye Chakras. Kyanite encourages self-expression by speaking our truth. Energetically, Blue Kyanite aligns the Chakras and subtle bodies to bring tranquility and a calm effect to the whole being. It encourages listening to intuitive guidance and inspires the examination of all aspects of ourselves to find our soul's path on Earth.

LABRADORITE:  Known as a stone of transformation. Its shifting colors help break open one's voice and intuition, helping one to speak their truth. Labradorite helps purify your energy and connect you with the energy of light. It balances all your chakras, while bringing you closer to discovering your dreams and uncovering your destiny. Labradorite supports the Third Eye and Throat Chakras. 

LAPIS: Lapis Lazuli is the stone of inspiration. It encourages clear, truthful expression when sharing information with others, including an easier time voicing/communication of anger. It also protects against psychic attacks, shielding negative energy and returning any negative vibrations to their source. It will enhance dream work and spiritual journeying and supports the Third Eye and Throat Chakras. 

LARIMAR: Larimar is a very rare high vibrational crystal only found in the Dominican Republic. It has a strong connection to the sea and sky. It has strong ability to ease anxiety and promote relaxation. It cools hot tempers, helps with communication and supports the Throat Chakra. 

LEPIDOLITE: Lepidolite is known as the stone of transition. It brings hope in dark times by providing a sense of balance and peace. Lepidolite eases and calms the mind, enhances self-love, patience and optimism and supports the Throat, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras. 

LIBYAN DESERT GLASS: This stone is recognized as a powerful manifestation tool that also enhances spiritual healing. It is a highly protective crystal that can strengthen your will by stopping other people from stealing your energy. Libyan Desert Glass helps one through their own ascension process and attunes their energies to that of the ether.

MALACHITE: Malachite attunes one’s spiritual energy, encourages risk taking and change, and breaks unwanted ties and outworn patterns. Malachite can teach us how to take responsibility for our actions, thoughts and feelings and can also assist in alleviating mental disturbances and combat dyslexia. Malachite also stimulates dreams and can help release negative experiences and traumas. Malachite supports the Heart Chakra. 

MOLDAVITE:  An extremely rare and high vibrational stone, Moldavite is a stone of rapid transformation and shifts. It’s a talisman for prosperity and good fortune that enhances the effects of other stones. It accelerates spiritual growth and is a great aid in ascension work. Moldavite supports the Heart Chakra. 

MOOKAITE:  Mookaite is a nurturing stone that supports and sustains during times of stress. It brings peace and a feeling of wholeness, helps us with decision making, encourages versatility and helps us to accept change. It provides a protective shield against negative or dangerous situations, eliminating and blocking unwanted outside influences and distractions, and revealing what is concealed. Mookaite supports the Solar Plexus Chakra. 

MOONSTONE: Moonstone is associated with the Moon and is also known as the stone for new beginnings. It is a stone of inner growth and strength that soothes emotional instability, stress, provides a calm and nurturing energy. Moonstone enhances intuition, promotes inspiration, success and good fortune in love & business matters. Moonstone supports all Chakras.

MOONSTONE (BLACK): Black Moonstone has deep feminine energy, brings emotions to the surface, opens blockages, boosts intuition and psychic abilities, and helps connect you to spirit guides during meditation. Supports Crown and Third Eye Chakras.

MOONSTONE (GREEN):  Green Moonstone boosts loving energies of all kinds, helps to revitalize and recharge, brings focus to help achieve your goals. and is excellent for meditation. Green moonstone balances the Heart Chakra. 

MOONSTONE (PEACH): Peach Moonstone also has a strong feminine energy. It calms worry and anxiety, helps to bring out the best in people, boosts intuition & insight, and brings a soothing and loving energy. Peach Moonstone supports the Sacral & Heart Chakras.

MORGANITE: This stone supports healthy, positive change. It is the perfect reminder to live life with a light heart. This pale pink gemstone reminds you to take each step as if you were walking on air and that it is there to hold your hand when you need it. In addition, its pearlescent shine helps to highlight the natural glow of the person. Morganite empowers you to move forward at your own pace and reach self-love no matter what happens.

MUSCOVITE MICA: This stone encourages unconditional love and helps one to accept others imperfections. It connects you to your higher self to aid in intuition, supports the body in achieving ideal weight and prevents hunger when fasting. Muscovite Mica supports the Heart and Third Eye Chakras. 

OBSIDIAN: Obsidian is truth-enhancing, protective stone that forms a shield against negativity. It blocks psychic attack and absorbs negative energies from the environment. Obsidian draws out mental stress and tension and stimulates growth on all levels, urging exploration of the unknown and opening new horizons. It also releases negative patterns/past emotional traumas so that true soul healing can begin and supports the Root Chakra. 

OBSIDIAN (GOLD SHEEN): Gold Sheen Obsidian cleanses and purifies the aura, reveals hidden talents, helps one find the root of the problem, dissolves negativity and helps access past life information. Gold Sheen Obsidian balances the Solar Plexus and Root Chakras.

OBSIDIAN (SNOWFLAKE): This stone aids in meditation, dissolves anger and resentment, soothes loneliness, balances yin/yang energy, promotes peace of mind and supports the Root Chakra. Snowflake Obsidian aids in disorders of the veins and the skeletal structure. It improves circulation and alleviates muscular aches and spasms. Treats joint pain (arthritis) and hardening of the arteries.

ONYX (BLACK): Black Onyx is a powerful protection stone that absorbs and transforms negative energy. It helps shield your personal energy from people who are energy drainers. Black Onyx aids in emotional and physical strength and stamina, especially when support is needed during times of stress, confusion or grief. Black Onyx can be useful in healing old wounds or past life issues. Black Onyx supports the Root chakra.

ONYX (GREEN): The green variety stimulates the strength, willpower and self discipline of Onyx directly from the heart. Green Onyx is an emotional soother and helps one get through difficult times with ease, helps with easing anxiety when public speaking and connects the upper and lower energies in the body. This stone heals karma that is obstructing your life path and clears obstacles for forward movement and supports the Heart Chakra. 

OPAL (BLACK ): Black Opal offers complete protection of one's emotional body and aura. This crystal provides one with an etheric shield against negative energy as well as another person’s emotional toxicity. Black Opal will help one stay calm and relaxed in uncomfortable situations, while also acting as a daily reminder that you're not alone on this journey. Simply carrying or wearing this crystal daily will help one become less anxious and have the ability to break out of their shell. Black Opal can help push us to take on new exciting adventures and act on spontaneous ideas.

OPAL (GREEN): Green Opal is a stone that's all about the heart. This crystal is here to provide nourishing and rejuvenating energies to anyone struggling with emotional heartache. It’s a perfect stone for anyone who may have gone through recent trauma or grief, the dissolution of a relationship, or a hurtful disagreement. Green Opal helps us find the strength that we used to have, while encouraging us to use it to push forward and rebuild. This stone shows us that we do in fact only need ourselves in this life, and should be a daily reminder of the inner strength we truly posses.

OPALITE: A stone of emotional balance, Opalite asssists in making smooth transitions and is helpful for success in business. It improves self confidence and worth, and when placed on the crown chakra in meditation can open the third eye, enhancing psychic ability. Opalite is known as a calming and relaxing stone, as it helps with mood swings and balances yin and yang energy. Opalite supports the Third Eye Chakra. 

ORGONITE: Orgone, also called Orgonite, is the Universal Life Force, Chi, Prana, Ki, Mana, Universal Energy—the basic building block of all organic and inorganic material on the planet and the universal energy that is present in all living things. The word “Orgonite” describes a mixture of metal shavings, resin, and Quartz crystal. The organic materials (resin) absorb Orgone energy while the metal shavings (non-organic material) disperses the energy. In the process, Orgonite cleanses the energy to release positive energy.

PEACOCK ORE: This stone encourages joy, helps one to live in the moment, encourages creative expression, aids in removing self imposed obstacles and balances the left and right sides of the brain. With its beautiful rainbow color, Peacock Ore supports all Chakras. 

PETRIFIED WOOD: Petrified Wood is a symbol of the power of time. Petrified Wood has been around for millions of years, and it is a reminder that nothing in this world is permanent. Just like the wood has been turned to stone over time, so too can our own lives be transformed by the power of time. It provides a grounding energy and can help us find the courage to face our fears and to overcome any obstacle that life throws our way.

PREHNITE: Prehnite is considered a stone of unconditional love and the crystal to heal the healer. It enhances precognition and inner knowing, calms the environment and brings peace & protection. Prehnite supports the Heart, Solar Plexus, and Third Eye Chakras. 

PYRITE: Pyrite is a very protective stone, shielding the user from negative energy of all kinds. Pyrite blocks energy leaks and mends auric tears. It is known as a stone of luck, helping to attract abundance, wealth and prosperity to the user, via its creative energies of manifestation, and its encouragement of following one's dreams. Pyrite also promotes good physical health and emotional well-being. Pyrite supports the Third Eye chakra. 

QUARTZ (AMPHIBOLE):  Known to assist a person’s communication with his or her personal spirit angels, Amphibole Quartz is a great tool for psychic hearing. The stone will work closely with the energies of your third eye and throat chakras, which are both higher chakras and relate to gifts of clairvoyance. People who are already blessed with clairaudient gifts will experience a little extra push to their psychic abilities so that they can further strengthen them.

QUARTZ (ANGEL AURA): Angel aura quartz is an ethereal crystal most beloved for its magical reflective appearance. With a silvery iridescent exterior, all the colors of the rainbow are seemingly entrapped within this stone, rendering it a representative of the angelic realm. With dancing reflections of light and color, angel quartz is a powerful messenger of peace, love, and connection to the divine. Using this stone can help you to transmute negative emotions into positive ones, reminding you of your innate goodness and purity.

QUARTZ (CHERRY TANZBERRY): Cherry Tanzberry combines the energies of Quartz and Lepidolite to induce balance, enlightenment, happiness, self-love, and resolution. With a heavy lithium content, we suggest placing this stone directly on your third eye or crown chakra. Lithium is given to patients directly as an ingestible substance to help stabilize the mind (especially in treating bipolar disorder). Its mood-altering effects can adjust our emotional balance and alter our perspective to steer us towards a resolution.

QUARTZ (CLEAR): This stone is the most versatile healing stone among all crystals. Quartz is the most powerful healing stone of the mineral kingdom, able to work on any condition. Clear Quartz is known as the stone of power and amplifies any energy or intention. It protects against negativity, attunes you to your higher self, and it also strengthens the aura. Clear Quartz supports all the Chakras. 

QUARTZ (LITHIUM): Lithium Quartz brings emotional peace, stress release, and relaxation. A powerful, yet gentle healer, Lithium Quartz balances the brain and the emotions. it's a very calming and soothing stone that uplifts the mental and emotional bodies, and gently moves repressed anger and grief to the surface so it can be healed. Lithium Quartz Crystal can also heal emotional issues from past lives as well and connects to the Heart Chakra and the Third Eye Chakras.

QUARTZ (RUTILATED): Rutilated Quartz can clear energy blockages from all of the chakras, and attune you to your Divine Purpose. Rutilated Quartz is an illuminator for the soul, promoting spiritual growth. It cleanses and energises the aura and draws off negative energy and disease, letting go of the past. It provides protection against the ill thoughts of others and relieves fears, phobias and anxiety. Rutilated Quartz supports the Solar Plexus Chakra. 

QUARTZ (SMOKY): Smoky Quartz is a grounding stone known for its ability to help you move on from painful memories of the past. It helps you to overcome negative emotions, such as stress, fear, jealousy, anger and even feelings of depression. Smoky Quartz supports the Root Chakra. 

QUARTZ (STRAWBERRY): Strawberry Quartz is a strongly protective and grounding crystal with a joyful energy that makes us feel alive in the present moment. It inspires optimism & positivity, and increases self confidence and stimulates the heart energy center, filling one's total person with the divine feeling of Universal Love. It boosts concentration & focus, and helps restore balance to your energies. Strawberry Quartz supports the Heart Chakra. 

QUARTZ (TOURMALINATED): Tourmalinated Quartz brings forth energies of enlightenment and understanding of the physical realm around you. The Tourmaline included within the Quartz helps activate and open your Root Chakra, enabling the body and mind to connect to Mother Earth. One can rejuvenate their physical body while also relinquishing negative thoughts or ideas within the mind.

RHODONITE: Rhodonite is a stone of compassion, an emotional balancer that clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past, and that nurtures love. It stimulates, clears and activates the heart. Rhodonite grounds energy, balances yin-yang, and aids in achieving one's highest potential. It heals emotional shock and panic. Rhodonite supports the Heart Chakra. 

ROSE QUARTZ: Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love. It opens the heart to all types of love - love of self, love of family, love of friends, romantic love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Rose Quartz supports the Heart Chakra. 

RUBY ZOISITE: Ruby in Zoisite, also called Anyolite, is a combination crystal that contains both the properties of fiery Ruby and earthy Zoisite. Ruby in Zoisite offers the energy of happiness, appreciation, abundance, vitality and growth. It stimulates the heart and helps one open up to accept divine love. Zoisite helps to alleviate grief, anger, despair and defeat, and it is a powerful stone for deep healing by activating the body's defenses and healing mechanisms. Ruby Zoisite supports the Crown and Heart Chakras. 

SELENITE: Selenite is a protective stone that shields a person or space from outside influences. It can evoke protection from the angelic realm and also dispels negative energy.  The powerful energies of Selenite help one connect with one's guides, guardians, Christ Consciousness and Higher Self. It also calms and soothes, bringing a deep peace and sense of tranquility. Selenite supports the Crown Chakra. 

SEPTARIAN: This is a great grounding stone that promotes patience, tolerance and emotional flexibility. It improves communication of all kinds and particularly public speaking. It also connects you to your higher self and supports the Root Chakra.

SERPENTINE: Serpentine, also called "New Jade" is an earthing stone that aids in meditation and enhances spiritual exploration. Serpentine assists the retrieval of wisdom, helping to regain memory of past lives. It clears the chakras and stimulates the crown chakra, opening psychic abilities. Serpentine supports the Heart Chakra. 

SHAMAN STONES: Shaman Stones balance female/male energy and contain strong metaphysical properties to aid spiritual growth and to overcome deep seated fears. It protects you from negative energy or entities and is a great companion for meditation and shadow work. Shaman stones support all the Chakras. 

SHIVA LINGAM: Found and naturally smoothed by the waters in the river Narmada in India and gathered by monks, Shiva Lingam boosts pranic energy, fertility and vitality. It is known to be a good luck stone that increases innovation and creativity. Shiva Lingam combines male and female energy and supports the Root Chakra. 

SHUNGITE: Shungite is a carbon-rich stone that's believed to reduce inflammation, oxidative stress, and EMF exposure. It is a powerful protection, healing and detoxifying stone that is extremely beneficial for boosting overall health and well-being. Some also claim it can purify water and relieve emotional stress. Shungite supports the Root Chakra. 

SODALITE: Sodalite encourages being true to self and standing up for your beliefs. It helps bring order and calmness to the mind. It encourages rational thought, objectivity, truth and intuition, along with verbalization of feelings. Sodalite brings emotional balance and calms panic attacks. It enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-trust. It can also help to prevent insomnia. Sodalite supports the Throat and Third Eye Chakras. 

SUNSTONE: Metaphysically, Sunstone is known for its powerful connection to the light and power of the sun. Sunstone is linked to luck and good fortune. It clears and energises all the chakras. Sunstone instills good nature, heightens intuition and allows the real self to shine through happily. It dissipates fearfulness, alleviates stress and increases vitality. Encourages independence and originality. Sunstone supports Sacral chakra.

SUPER 7: A powerful high vibration combination of 7 crystals: Amethyst, Smoky Quartz, Clear Quartz, Rutilated Quartz, Goethite, Lepidocrite and Cacoxenite. It enhances psychic energy and ability to see auras. It is also very grounding and helps clear the mind for deep meditation. Supports all 7 Chakras.

TIGERS EYE: Combining Earth energy with the Sun, Golden (Brown) Tiger Eye draws Spiritual energy down to the Earth, while still keeping you centered here on the ground. Tiger Eye brings optimism to difficult situations, and shines insight onto problems. Tiger Eye also attracts good luck and prosperity into your life . Ancients used Tiger Eye as a talisman against bad luck and curses. Tiger’s eye supports the Solar Plexus and Third Eye chakras. 

TIGER EYE (BLUE): A stone that helps to open, clear and align the mid to higher range chakras, which will assist in speaking with clarity and acting from a place of integrity. Blue Tiger Eye works extremely well with the Throat and Third Eye chakras, providing insight into internal conflicts and emotional or mental issue. This stone helps to open, clear and align the mid to higher range chakras, which will assist in speaking with clarity and acting from a place of integrity.

TIGER EYE (RED): Red Tiger’s Eye is said to build confidence and enable you to fulfill any role, perform any task, and speak to anyone with wisdom and grace. It can protect your integrity, and ensure that you will not be trapped in situations where you need to sacrifice your integrity and all the other values you uphold.

TOPAZ:. Known as the “Wish Stone”, Topaz atracts abundance, wealth and success. It also stimulates creativity and creative expression, boosts vitality & individuality, gives drive to achieve your goals and aids in visualisation and meditation. Topaz supports the Solar Plexus Chakra

TOPAZ (LEMON): This high vibrational stone energizes the physical body, helps conquer anxiousness and fatigue, helps with all tissue recovery, boosts confidence and gives one a radiant vitality. Lemon Topaz supports the Solar Plexus Chakra.

TOURMALINE (BLACK): Black Tourmaline is a protective stone which repels and blocks negative energies and psychic attack. It also aids in the removal of negative energies within a person or a space and can cleanse, purify, and transform dense energy into a lighter vibration. It cannot absorb negative energy so it does not need cleansed. Black Tourmaline is also a great stone for grounding and it supports all of the Chakras. 

TOURMALINE (PINK): Pink Tourmaline is a stone of love, compassion, emotional healing and self love. It helps calm ones emotions in times of distress, and is the perfect stone to carry if you suffer from daily bouts of anxiety. This stone is such a strong healing stone due to it commonly being formed within Quartz masses. Quartz naturally amplifies any stone placed near it, so we regularly recommend Pink Tourmaline to anyone suffering from heavy emotional pain weighing on the heart.

TURQUOISE: It is a very efficient healer that promotes inner peace and positive energy. Its calming effect gives the atmosphere a positive energy which establishes a mood that helps to control anxiety and prevent people from having panic attacks. Due to its blue color, it also has a throat chakra for clear speaking and public speaking also includes all types of communication.

UNAKITE: Unakite is said to be a stone of vision, opening the Third Eye and useful for scrying. It balances the emotional and spiritual bodies, provides gentle release of energetic blockages and can also help pregnant women foster a connection with their baby. Unakite supports the Heart and Third Eye Chakras. 

SMUDGE: The art of smudging has been a ceremonial ritual for centuries. Smudging is the act of burning herbs, for getting rid of negative energetic blocks or bringing forth good energy onto yourself, your home or any space. Plants each have their own properties but are not limited to; sage, sweet grass, cedar, and rosemary, and lavender. 

To smudge, light a smudge stick and let it catch fire. Blow out the flames and allow the smoke to bellow. Using a dish or abalone shell to catch ashes, move the smudge stick, allowing the smoke to reach every corner. This can be done on an as needed basis. One of the most important acts of smudging is intention. Over time one will develop a ritual that works best for them. So be creative, have an open mind, and set a clear intention. All you really need to believe is that you can cleanse yourself, your space, and your possessions.

BLUE SAGE:  Also known as Grandmother Sage and is a purifying herb with broad medicinal and magical applications. A close relative of white sage. It’s soothing, relaxing smell can be used to aid meditation or simply as a great smelling incense. 

WHITE SAGE:  Antimicrobial and repeller of insects. It is believed for centuries that burning sage clears physical pathogens and bacteria from the air, spiritual impurities, and insects.  Can be used to improve intuition during meditation, and reduce stress and anxiety. 

PALO SANTO: A tree native to south america. Means holy wood. For thousands of years the wood, resin, and oil have been used for medicinal purposes. Mostly to treat head and throat pain, stress and clear negative energy. Also known to repel mosquitos.   

1. Light edge over open flame and burn for 30 seconds or so then blow out. Wood will continue to smolder until it goes out on its own or you extinguish it by grinding it in a fire safe receptacle ie ashtray, abalone shell, or glass bowl.
2. Fan the stick to keep it smoldering and fan to waft smoke around the room, car, or your person, avoiding hair, fabric or anything else flammable.
3. Keep the nonflammable receptacle under it or near by while burning. You can store the burnt wood in receptacle for the next time too. ENJOY!