Delta 8 THC


Delta 8 THC

Is weed legal? Well, that question seems to become more and more complicated to answer with some states legalizing medical marijuana, some states legalizing recreational marijuana, and some states not legalizing any of it. And while the US federal government passed the Farm Bill of 2018 defining all hemp-derived cannabinoids and products with a Delta-9-THC level below 0.3 percent as legal, there still seems to be a lot of confusion about what is and isn’t against the law. 

Delta 8 THC vs Delta 9 THC

Marijuana plants contain over 100 different cannabinoids and the by far the most well-known, or rather the most infamous, is Delta 9 THC, the cannabinoid responsible for getting you “high”. According to the federal government Delta 9 THC is still considered a scheduled 1 substance, meaning it’s considered as illegal and dangerous as heroine or ecstasy ,and as crazy as it sounds, Delta 9 THC is considered more dangerous than methamphetamine or cocaine according to the DEA. But what about Delta 8 THC?

Delta 8 THC is an analog cannabinoid of Delta 9 and while the difference comes down to just a single carbon bond between the two cannabinoids, it makes a huge difference in the world of medicinal marijuana. And with that slight difference on a molecular level we see a very real difference in the effects that Delta 8 has on people. Delta 8 is known to be less anxiety-provoking, less sedating and leaves people more clear headed. In other words, it’s all the benefits of Delta 9 THC without any of the sometime negative side effects that the strong variant can produce. 

The issue of legality is still somewhat debated though as under the Farm Bill of 2018 cannabinoids derived from hemp plants, rather than marijuana plants which have a higher Delta 9 THC content, should be legal, it seems there are some people who still feel as though Delta 8 THC is gray area. 

Delta 8 THC Products

While there still seems to be some confusion concerning the full legality of Delta 8, just like CBD is legal and yet still struggling to be accepted on a full blown mainstream level, Delta 8 THC is picking up speed and the products available show that. Much like CBD, you can now find Delta 8 THC in vape form, in tinctures, as gummies, and even infused in beverages. Many stores are selling their range of products online so even if you find yourself in a state that has decided that Delta 8 is completely illegal, you may still be able to order and receive products from vendors in states where the laws are more open and progressive. 

If you’re still feeling a little confused about the difference between CBD, Delta 8, and Delta 9 THC, think of it like this: CBD is the mildest medicine available with the no psychotropic qualities, Delta 8 is stronger medicine with mild psychotropic qualities, and Delta 9 THC is the strongest medicine with the highest psychotropic properties. All of them can be beneficial when taken the proper way, it just depends on what it is you are hoping to achieve by consuming the medicine. 
