Wild Ginger Apothecary

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Full Moon in May 2022

Full Moon Favorites

Did you know that we have a Full Moon coming up this Sunday 5/15? The Full Moon of May is known as the "Flower Moon" to signify the flowers that bloom during this month. The week of the full moon can be an interesting and intense time for some, so we'd like to share some of our favorite tools for the occasion!

Books About The Moon Phases

The Moon Cycles affect us all, whether you realize it or not. For those interested in learning how they do, we have some great books available that can help you navigate the phases. "Moonology" by Yasmin Boland offers explanations on why connecting with the moon can change your life for the better, and some affirmations, visualizations, and chants to use during each phase of the moon, while "Living Lunarly" by Kiki Ely includes intention-setting rituals connected to the new moon and full moon, and exercises centered around growth. (Living Lunarly is also 25% off in store and online!)

CBD For Emotional Support

The Full Moon also tends to set our emotions on overdrive and with the nearing of Mercury Retrograde, you might find yourself feeling more frustrated or angered with others or yourself. To keep yourself relaxed we recommend implementing CBD to your daily routine! CBD aids in reducing anxiety, stress, body pain and inflammation. Feel free to read up of CBD and its benefits on our website.

Energy & Space Clearing

Clearing sprays are a must for the occasion! The Full Moon asks us to let go of all things that no longer serve us, and there is no better way to do that than to cleanse yourself and your space of all negativity, so new offerings can make their way into our lives. We recommend these "Purification & Protection" and "Ghostbuster" sprays from Kate's Magick to use on yourself and the "Blessed Sage" sprays from Wolf Spirit Sage for your space!

Selenite For Aura & Crystal Cleansing

 Selenite is a high vibrational stone that evokes protection from the angelic realm and also dispels negative energy. Not only does it calm and soothe the mind, but it also can cleanse and charge your other stones. Lay your crystals on top of one of our Selenite Charging slabs and you're good to go.

Oracle Decks For Clarity

This is also a great time to practice some psychic development! Pick up an Oracle or Tarot deck and give yourself a message for the day. We like to use our Moonology Oracle decks around this time for some fun introspection.

What are some tools you like to use for the week of the Full Moon?