What You Aren’t Hearing About Coronavirus

As seen in Spirit of Change Magazine:

The coronavirus (Covid-19) seems to be all we are hearing about on the news, and it sounds and looks very scary. Don’t you agree? Did you know that this virus has actually been around a long time? If you look on an old bottle of a disinfecting agent, you might find it listed as a virus the disinfectant kills. The major problem with being bombarded with the scare of coronavirus (and other unsettling) news is that our stress levels increase, which subsequently taxes our immune system. This is the exact opposite of what we want to happen during flu, cold, and virus season.

The immune system is the body’s defense mechanism that keeps us protected and safe from viruses and other toxins which the body unknowingly encounters. When this defense system is weakened, our body’s ability to fight infection and other invaders is compromised. Ironically, as we add the worry of coronavirus to our already extensive “worry list,” we increase our chances of getting sick.

Therefore, during particularly stressful times, it’s important to be extra aware of building up our immune system to combat the ill effects of stress on our body. Let’s face it, times are stressful. As a medical professional, I understand the importance of thorough hand-washing, which is a must to prevent any virus from entering the body if we come in contact with it. However, I believe we are overlooking an important point. A great way to fight off any virus is with a good kind of contagious: the power of a positive mindset.

There are many studies that link a positive attitude to better long-term health, and certainly, positivity is not the first line of defense when we think of coronavirus, but I see the unmistakable effects that positivity has on overall health. Washing our minds of negativity and fear may be just as important as washing our hands.

Here are some practical tips to start boosting positivity in your life today:

Connect with Nature – With many of us being indoors most of the day, we need to be extra vigilant to step outside and take in the natural beauty of our world. At a minimum, simply step outside for a few minutes, look up at the wondrous sky, take in a deep breath of fresh air, and appreciate the moment. Or better yet, take a walk, go for a hike, or participate in any outside activity that makes you happy.

Make Personal Connections – Most of us spend extensive amounts of time with technology for both work and pleasure; it’s almost unavoidable today. It’s more important than ever to have personal, face-to-face contact with other human beings. Opt for face-to-face meetings whenever possible, be sure to eat meals with others (at least once a day), and ensure your social calendar includes outings with friends, family, or pets. Continue to be attentive to hand washing and close contact with others, but don’t let the coronavirus scare you into isolation.

Smile and Laugh – Instead of watching a horror movie or murder mystery, opt for comedy. Streaming standup comedy or a sitcom and busting with laughter can be just what you need to break your solemn mood. Physically, laughter releases endorphins which boosts the immune system. So, surround yourself with family and friends who make you smile. Better yet, play a game together that ensures laughter. The old adage, “laughter is the best medicine,” rings truer than ever today.

Create with Joy – We need to use our creativity to stimulate positive thoughts and feelings. Do crafts, resurrect an old hobby, journal your thoughts, or write a book. Cook a healthy meal for your partner or family together with and make it fun. Break out the baking gear and bake a cake for a friend. Be creative in ways that make you happy, and watch the positivity in your life and others around you soar.

There are many ways for us to bring positivity into our lives and the lives of our families and friends, all the while fueling our immune systems to stay strong to help fight whatever viruses are lurking. We certainly don’t want to catch or spread any viruses. We do want to spread positivity—far and wide around the world.

Lois Hermann is a Board Certified Hypnotist and Certified Instructor through the National Guild of Hypnotists, a Certified NLP Trainer with the National Federation for Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a Reiki Master-Teacher, and multi-registered medical professional. Visit loishermann.com and chroniclesofhope.net.




View original post here.


Nicole Leffler

I am an intuitive business consultant and wellness junkie at Dharma Hive and New Moon Neuro. I am a soul searcher, dreamer, explorer, mama, community builder and educator.

When soul work and living your dharma meets business, true manifestation of your career dreams is possible. I believe and live this! I use all these experiences in my spiritual practice and business today. I have consulted businesses large and small since my management career began, eventually discovering the sweet spot of working with mindful entrepreneurs — near and far.

The Art of Smudging

The art of smudging has been a ceremonial ritual for centuries. Traditionally used by Native Americans, ancient Rome, Greece, and ancient Egypt as a way to cleanse the space from negative energy or spirits.  Smudging is the act of burning herbs with intention for getting rid of negative energetic blocks on yourself, in your home or any space. As well as bringing forth positive energy and invigorating the mind body and spirit. Smudging can be helpful for when feeling depressed, anxious, for clearing weird or sagnant energy in yourself or any space. The herbs each have their own properties listed below and are not limited to the herbs included.

Today, more studies are showing that the art of smudging is more beneficial than just on a spiritual and energetic level. It has been seen that sage kills 94% of airborne bacteria and the space remains bacteria free for up to 24 hours. There are also sources the indicate other benefits of burning sage such as helping to; repel insects, improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve intuition. It’s also been linked to helping with chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

So how do we accomplish this said “art” of smudging. Wild Ginger Apothecary has all the essential smudging tools you’ll need or if you’re feeling crafty you can make your own! Wrapping fresh herbs with string and letting them dry out in a warm window for a week or 2 before burning. To smudge, light a smudge stick and let it catch fire. Blow out the flames and allow the smoke to bellow. This can be done on an as need basis. Using a dish or abalone shell to catch ashes, move the smudge stick. Allowing the smoke to get into every crevis, and walking around the space letting the smoke reach every corner.

One of the most important acts of smudging is the intention. By bringing in this mindfulness aspect you’re able to direct energy in the direction you desire. Setting your intention or saying a prayer, creating space for manefesting your desires! Allow space for evolution, overtime one develops a ritual that works best for them, so be creative and have an open mind. This is soul medicine, all you really need to believe is that you can cleanse yourself, your space, and your possessions. Choose your favorite herbs and ENJOY!!

Sage- Most known ceremonial smudge plant. It can change the mood and energy of the room. Used for meditation, cleaning, and purification.

Palo- Helps to purify the spirit and bring forth positive energy. Brings a deeper connection to divine source and inspires creativity.

Rosemary- This herb is a powerful cleanser for the home and your aura. Associated with the masculine energy, of fire, and the sun. 

Internally it acts as a vasodialator and stimulant. Awakening the senses. 

Cedar- Used to drive out negative energy, bring in good influences, also used to bless new homes.

Juniper- Burned for ceremonial  purificaiton and to invigorate the mind, body, and spirit. 

Lavender- Also used for cleansing, but also psychic protection. Helpful for creating the energy of happiness and healing, purification, and tranquility

Mugwort-Traditionally used to cleanse energy and get rid of negativity. This herb is great to burn before bed or in times of emotional clearing as it is known for stimulating dreams

For more information about Paige visit our wellness tab or go to herbalcarebypaige.com

Mental Clarity + Balanced Energy from Herbal Care by Paige

Lack of focus can make everyday activities a struggle. This is something I find to be very important in our modern world. When thinking of mental clarity, memory, and focus - in our modern day, this is a very important aspect of our well-being! When we are experiencing cognitive dysfunction our minds feel foggy and scattered. We are less productive ultimately, effecting our performance at work, our presence with our friends and family, our community, and overall connection to ourselves and the world around us. If our minds aren’t clear on what is in front of us then we’re not present, and for us to finish tasks and really achieve our dreams we must be in the now moment and focus, in order to accomplish things and bring our desires into our living reality.  So, the question is how do we get more energy, mental clarity, and live more productive lives?

From a holistic perspective for supporting our mental clarity, there’s a few things to consider. There are plants that are very effective in helping us improve cognitive function. However, when working from a holistic perspective we want to elaborate on a few more things. So first, I find it important to take a closer look into lifestyle factors. Things that we do everyday, such as, what we’re eating, activity levels, how we’re sleeping, and even how we think and feel.  When we only look straight at the herbs were missing an important part. People aren’t sick because they’re deficient in a certain medicinal plant. Herbalism isn’t just focusing on addressing the plants as the only source of vitality. They help, for sure, but if someone has an imbalance from a nutritional allergy, nutrient deficiency, or just lack of sleep, it doesn’t matter how many herbs we throw at the person. If we dont address the foundational elements of health; diet, sleep, exercise, etc. Ultimately, we’re not achieving our goal to heal. 

So, the first element to consider is lack of sleep. On average in our modern day, we are only getting 4-5 hours of sleep. Compared to the past, this significant decline is the amount pf sleep is effecting our mental function, reaction time, clarity, ability to adapt to stress, and more. So, the first question to ask is, “Do you need a herbal formula that will help you get a better quality of sleep instead of the neurotropic herb?” In the American culture, we go to the plant based stimulates, like coffee of green tea, or energy drinks that give us energy and keep us going in the moment but over time these caffeine stimulants can lead an even deeper level of fatigue and burn out. Not ideal. Since the goal of herbal medicine is to look at the long term picture and reach goals based on reguvinating the health, improving quality of life, and further extending our life.

Bringing us to the next lifestyle factor, exercise. Thus, the lack of, considering many of us tend to live sedintary lifestyles. We are sitting at a desk all day, sitting while driving, sitting at home. What really gets our mind clear is vigorous exersice, specifically, cardiovacular exercise. We’re getting the circulatory system working, blood flowing and in effect, an increased level of oxygen to the brain. Even a brisk walk can boost cognitive function, so get up and get moving!

The next subject for discussion is nutrition. Many factors are important here and may vary for some, but in general our brain uses glucose for energy. Glucose has sort of gotten a bad reputation that it is bad for us but in some ways we need it! In some cases, such as people who follow the paleo diet where they are low carbohydrates, like grains or fruit, the brain will begin to convert other molecules into glucose for fuel but eventually (drastially speaking) will starve the brain and may lead to brain fog or fatigue. This is a more extreme dietary factor but another component to consider is food intolerance, such as gluten, soy, or diary. The main symptomatic picture that we notice is in our mood and energy. When we eat a cleaner diet we are changing our hormone levels and shifting our internal chemisty and internal energy manufacturing power. Fewer refined carbs, more fat, and more plant nutrients, will lead to high levels of energy, mental clarity and less brain fog. 

Thus, bringing us into how herbs can help! When identifying the personfirst we must know their energetics and the symptoms their experiencing, this helps to understand how to approach the herbal remedy. Essentially, there are two categories that we will notice: Category 1. Someone is groggy, tired, lower energy state- in a relaxed state or sensation of heaviness in mind. Ayurvedic dosha is associated with kapha, the earth element, and typically have a body constitution that is cold and damp. Cateogy 2. High energy state, the mind is scattered, unfocused, spinning out of control. We want to work to refine their consciousness. Typically, this person has an Ayurvedic dosha of vata, the element air, and a dry body constitution.

Herbs categorized by energetic constitution:

Brain 1- 

Calamous-Sweet flag- ayurvedic herb meaning the point of the word (the power to speak) enhances and krisps the senses. Aromatic warming bitter, stimulates digestion and revs up the fire in the gut, the bitterness brings the vital energy down. Helps with damp stagnation, draining the fog and groggy and then stimulating with the aromatic qualities. Teacher explains it’s effect as, “scraps the mucus from our brain”. Cleanses the lack of clarity. Brings the nervous system in to the parasympathic state.

Bacopa- Bramine- More of a stimulant. Not recommended for the scattered brain because the energy is already there. This herb is increasing blood flow to the brian. Stimulating the senses and the mind and is great for  brain fog. Also supports memory and learning retention, while also assisting with stress relief, anxiety, and depression. This herb also is an antioxidant and benfits GI Tract. This cerebral circulation can affect sleep so be conscious of this! 

Golu kola- yogi’s herb to attain deeper states of meditation. The properties of this herb have the balance of alertness, focus on one side of the coin and awareness with calmness on the other. It perks the foggy mind but also calms the scattered mind. Its a mild herb and is ideal for both energetic categories because its not stimulating. Dr Visant lad, a chinese practitioner says, 1oz of tea per day to assist meditation practice.

This pair (Calamous root & Gotu kola) are known as the “Universal mind tonic”. Working better together, the total is greater than the sum of its parts.

Cordyceps- This herb came to our Western world when they began to do studies on Olympic athletes. We see this mushroom benefit the lungs, kidneys, glands, and cardiovascular system. Bringing more energy to the body assisting the uptake of oxygen which assists in metabolic processes.

Ginko- The herb for longetity! Especially for protecting the nervous and cardiovascular systems. This is a vasodilator, meaning it improves blood flow to the brain and peripheral circulation. Beneficial in situations like, tinnitis, vertigo, and dizziness.The antioxidant properties protect the brain cells from damage. Note, it takes consistent use to achieve best results, for improving memory and reduce anxiety. 

Rosemary- The herb mentioned by Shakespeare, fantastic remedy for psychological therapy. Very aromatic, and essentially increases the blood flow to the brain. Delivering more nutrients, glucose, and carrying away any metabolic waste products. Energetic are warming and pungent, stimulating the nervous system but not similar to caffeine. 

Lions Mane- This mushroom is known for its neutropic effects. Improving memory, concentration, and retention. It’s antioxidant effects stimulate healthy brain cells and protects them from degeneration. Studies show it significantly reduces neurological degeneration.

Brain 2

Skullcap- Nerve tonic and known for its calming effects. It does what it says it helps with closing the cap of the head and brings the vital force down and in. Great for empaths or sensitive people.

Holy Basil- Ayurvedic herb improves circulation to the brain, increasing memory, concentration and acuity.  Lifts you out of bogged down place. Stabilizes blood sugar levels, helping sugar cravings, as well as supporting the body to process sugar and carbohydrates. Supports endocrine system and improves mood.

Lemon Balm- great for that over stimulated mind. Gentle and calming to the nervous system. Works equally in the brian, heart and the gut. Which is unique and very effective for allowing the high energy brain to settle down into the heart, helping us focus.

Ashwaganda-This Ayurvedic herb is an adaptogen that helps the body to adapt to stress, supporting the adrenal glands, promoting energy and vitality.  

We can continue this list and go more in depth about them but for the sake of time and simplicity know that this is only scratching the surface. Once again, understand the impact and importance of lifestyle when considering where are energy levels and focus are. This information was for educational purposes and is not meant to treat or diagnose. If you would like further guidance or to get a tincture of your own, go to the booking tab. It is always a pleasure to serve you. 



See more about Paige on our wellness tab or at herbalcarebypaige.com

Happy Holidays: January Newsletter


Happy Holidays to you + yours!

Hello WGA friends!

Wishing you a peaceful and healthy end to the year! THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for your loyal support of Wild Ginger Apothecary - this and the past 5 years!

The holiday rush can often be stressful amidst the joy. What are you doing to support YOU? We're here to support you and your loved ones - with body, mind and spirit offerings for all interests. 

This weekend we're wrapping up December with a Yoga Nidra Class, Tarot Message Gallery and Sound Bath (in addition to our regular offerings). January starts off in full force with education from Neurologist Dr. Stein, Holistic Dentist Dr. Mallery, daily movement classes and special events on-site. SEE SCHEDULES BELOW!

Looking for ways to feel your best for the New Year? Stop by for an always complimentary herbal tea and CBD sample. We can go through numerous options that support energy, pain relief, anxiety or stress, sleep issues and more. Bring a friend and stay awhile - we have various seating areas around the store to relax while you shop, learn, explore.

- Complimentary herbal tea (in-store or to-go!)
- Complimentary CBD samples and educational consults
- Health + Wellness Remedies 
- Bulk Herbs by the ounce
- Drop-in Psychic Readings
- Metaphysical Gifts + Cards

Latest 50% OFF:
- Bluebird Botanicals CBD
- Siddha Remedies + AquaBiome Fish Oil
- CBD Spa Topicals
- All CBD Vape Cartridges
- Natural Sunscreen
- Essential Oil diffusers (with EO purchase)
- Select books, cards + more!

We look forward to seeing you all soon and to bringing in another beautiful year together. 

Thank you for your love and support! May 2020 be your best year yet!

(Plus Paige, Courtney, Lindsay, Berkley & WGA Crew!)

Nicole Leffler

I am an intuitive business consultant and wellness junkie at Dharma Hive and New Moon Neuro. I am a soul searcher, dreamer, explorer, mama, community builder and educator.

When soul work and living your dharma meets business, true manifestation of your career dreams is possible. I believe and live this! I use all these experiences in my spiritual practice and business today. I have consulted businesses large and small since my management career began, eventually discovering the sweet spot of working with mindful entrepreneurs — near and far.

Calming Crystals for Anxiety

lindsay dog 1.jpg

At Wild Ginger Apothecary, we are often asked which crystals we recommend for stress and anxiety.  My own interest in crystals began the day one of my close friends, Amanda, a crystal healer and very good listener, offered me a sea-foam green chunk of Fluorite after a particularly long venting session. “Take a chill pill!” she laughed.  Drawn to the soothing colors and curious about how to use it, I began my research and thus, a new interest in the healing powers of crystals emerged.

Contemporary society places a high value on academic and professional achievements and the “hustle and grind” attitude is resulting in our society suffering from the latest epidemic: Anxiety.  Unlike anti-anxiety medication, which only treats the symptoms, calming crystals will sooth your mind, body, and spirit - getting to the root of the problem. By combining the relaxing frequencies of certain crystals with yoga and meditation, you can begin to heal on all levels.  

While society may have very wrong-headed ideas about what constitutes success, we as a society are also beginning to acknowledge and understand that all things in the universe are forms of energy - with their own frequency and vibration.  Nikola Tesla proved how certain forms of energy can alter the vibrational resonance of other forms of energy. When the energy in our bodies and the energy in crystals occupy the same space, we can manipulate these frequencies to our benefit. This was something that ancient civilizations and societies already knew and ancient healers used that sacred knowledge to heal illnesses, balance chakras, and align the vibration of bodily cells - and crystals were some of the instruments they used.    

Crystals are by no means a new trend, though. Healers in Ancient Sumeria (which lead into Ancient Egypt) began using gemstones and crystals, such as lapis lazuli and turquoise, for health and protection as early as 6,000 B.C.  Amethyst translates to “not drunken” in Greek, which is exactly what the Greeks used it for - as an antidote to hangovers! The list goes on. 

You also may not even realize you’re already using crystals in your everyday devices! That LCD screen you’re reading this article on? Yup, that stands for “Liquid-Crystal Display.”  Silicon crystals are used in every single computer, tablet, and cellphone.  

I like to keep what I’ve dubbed my “Calming Kit” next to my bed so when I wake up in the middle of the night and my mind jumps to thoughts of bank accounts or recounts uncomfortable conversations, I can quickly use my crystals and meditation practices to calm myself.  We have a large collection of crystals for all types of healing at Wild Ginger, but if you’re looking for something to reach for when you feel a wave of panic or anxiety coming on - I’ve curated a list of essential crystals to add to your collection!


The Amethyst is the ultimate calming crystal and is considered the “All-Purpose Crystal.”  It can help you regulate mood swings, gain clarity, reduce stress, and also give you an extra dose of protection.  Or, be like the Greeks, and reach for your amethyst rock to rid yourself of that shame-spiral we sometimes experience during a bad hangover! I like to wear my amethyst necklace to keep it close at all times to absorb it’s healing frequencies, but I also keep chunks around my house to serve as visual reminders that things are going to be okay.

Rose Quartz 

Rose Quartz is the “self-love” crystal.  It promotes feelings of self-love and self-care and can help to clear out feelings of anger and negativity.  I like to carry rose quartz in my bra, close to my heart, not only because it’s the best crystal for your heart chakra, but also because I like to give it a tap several times a day as a reminder to be gentle with myself and bring me back to the present moment.  

Fluorite Fluorite is a stabilizing and grounding stone.  It’s useful for grounding (a therapeutic strategy that is designed to immediately connect you with the present moment).  It also absorbs and neutralizes negative energy and stress. I like to place fluorite over my third eye or on my crown chakra and then settle in to do a sensory countdown and connect myself to the present by asking:  What are four things I can physically feel? What are three things I can hear? Two things I can smell? One things I can taste right now?

My own personal ritual for “chilling out” using crystals is to begin by saging my body and space.  I then lay down and put the crystals on my body (I put Fluorite on my third eye, Rose Quartz on my heart chakra, Amethysts in my hands) and begin with my sensory countdown and then follow up with a guided meditation from my phone! By having your own ritual and knowing what works best for your own body, you will have created your own solution and strategy for healing yourself and now you know the tools to reach for when you feel that anxiety-wave hitting.  After all, as my friend the crystal expert says, “You are your own healer!”  

Stop by Wild Ginger Apothecary to peruse our vast collection and BUILD YOUR OWN KIT! 

Lindsay Richards is a WGA Staff Member. You can find her in the store or at numerous events throughout the month! Connect with her at lindsay@wildgingerapothecary.com or in-store. (Maya, Lindsay’s dog, is shown with her 3 most trusted calming crystals.)

Nicole Leffler

I am an intuitive business consultant and wellness junkie at Dharma Hive and New Moon Neuro. I am a soul searcher, dreamer, explorer, mama, community builder and educator.

When soul work and living your dharma meets business, true manifestation of your career dreams is possible. I believe and live this! I use all these experiences in my spiritual practice and business today. I have consulted businesses large and small since my management career began, eventually discovering the sweet spot of working with mindful entrepreneurs — near and far.

Wild Ginger Apothecary Celebrates 5 Year Anniversary with Open House in Newly Renovated Space

Wild Ginger Apothecary

SARASOTA, Florida, Sept. 25, 2019 – Wild Ginger Apothecary, Sarasota’s Community for Health + Wellness, will celebrate its 5th Anniversary on Saturday, October 5, 2019 from 10am-4pm with an all-day special event at 6557 Superior Avenue, in Sarasota’s Gulf Gate Village. This Open House event is designed to provide a sneak peek into all of the mind, body and spirit experiences they offer. The First 50 customers will receive a gift bag with purchase and each attendee will be entered to win hundreds of health + wellness products.

Guests can explore the newly-renovated space, check out the latest product and service offerings, connect with Wild Ginger staff and instructors, or experience something new with both complimentary and fee-based offerings (see below). 

Wild Ginger’s retail shop offers the longest-running apothecary and CBD boutique in the area, focusing on the industry’s most relevant and in-demand products. All products are 3rd party lab tested, organic and free of chemicals. Their nontoxic product categories focus on natural wellness remedies for the entire family – health, nutrition, skincare, aromatherapy, herbal remedies, metaphysical gifts and cards, hemp CBD options, and more.

With the heightened interest in conscious living among consumers, Wild Ginger has expanded its retail apothecary – nearly doubling the retail space. To complement the apothecary, an ongoing and expansive variety of meetups, classes, and workshops are held in the adjoining studio space – to elevate both mind and body. Topics include creativity and lifestyle, sound healing, psychic readers, holistic services, meditation, and movement courses like Yoga, Nia, Pilates, Belly Dancing, and Tai Chi.

Owner/Founder Nicole Leffler, who has an extensive background in corporate wellness, opened Wild Ginger in 2014 with the aim to broaden community access to safe products and continued holistic education. She prioritizes a personalized experience for each customer.

“All product and class offerings at Wild Ginger have been carefully curated to allow both the advanced consumer and first-time visitor to feel equally comfortable and welcome here,” said Leffler. “We are creating a new dimension in Sarasota’s growing conscious living and wellness retail at Wild Ginger. The experience each person has with our store and those they encounter here can potentially be life changing. We look forward to celebrating our 5th Anniversary with our customers, friends and family as we embark upon our next era in Sarasota,” she said.

Experiences will include: CBD Product Tasting, Mini Tarot "Pick a Card" Readings, Reiki & Sound Healing, Herbal Remedies, Aromatherapy, PandoraStar Light Sessions, Feng Shui, Intention Setting, Cacao Medicine, Chair Massage, and Psychic/Tarot/Astrology Readings.

Media professionals are welcomed and encouraged to schedule a private visit with Owner Nicole Leffler prior to the event by calling 941.312.5630.

Nicole Leffler

I am an intuitive business consultant and wellness junkie at Dharma Hive and New Moon Neuro. I am a soul searcher, dreamer, explorer, mama, community builder and educator.

When soul work and living your dharma meets business, true manifestation of your career dreams is possible. I believe and live this! I use all these experiences in my spiritual practice and business today. I have consulted businesses large and small since my management career began, eventually discovering the sweet spot of working with mindful entrepreneurs — near and far.

CBD Legality in Sarasota


Dear Wild Ginger Apothecary customers, friends and family:

We have received many calls and visits from concerned customers in response to local Sarasota News about the legality of CBD from news from Spring 2019. Please be aware that we remain open and we are operating as usual. Wild Ginger Apothecary has been a licensed business within Sarasota County since 2014.

We will continue to carry safe and legal CBD products in addition to our many wellness offerings. All CBD offerings are hemp-derived, legal, organic and third-party lab tested (in compliance the 2018 Farm Bill). We are so much more than CBD: including education, services, holistic products and alternative remedies (such as herbal formulas, adaptogens, aromatherapy and more). Wild Ginger Apothecary remains Sarasota's community for health + wellness, and we continue to grow and improve to serve you!

If you have questions or concerns, please reach out by calling us at 941.312.5630.

Thank you, always, for your support!
Nicole + WGA Staff

Nicole Leffler

I am an intuitive business consultant and wellness junkie at Dharma Hive and New Moon Neuro. I am a soul searcher, dreamer, explorer, mama, community builder and educator.

When soul work and living your dharma meets business, true manifestation of your career dreams is possible. I believe and live this! I use all these experiences in my spiritual practice and business today. I have consulted businesses large and small since my management career began, eventually discovering the sweet spot of working with mindful entrepreneurs — near and far.

What your loved ones want to say...

Hope Taylor Psychic Medium

In my Messages from Heaven events and private readings, I have witnessed countless transformational messages from the other side. Many people are seeking answers regarding their loved ones, some have questions about what they are doing now, and others have questions about the final moments of their life and everything in between.

With my process, I validate our loved ones in spirit by bringing forth all the evidence that spirit brings me. When I allow spirit to speak it can be anything from aspects of personality, appearance, special memories, family dynamics, and facts around their lives that only YOU would know. Often times, they also are standing there with other loved ones you didn’t intend on connecting with. The family pets that have passed, for another, is an added love bonus!

Messages from the other side after validating your loved one and speaking to you about how they are with you now have been all across the board! Your brother might bring up the fact you have been putting off replacing the roof and it is time to address it before it gets worse. Your mother may want you to know that, as she shows me her petting her golden, although her hands were severely arthritic and painful, she is free from all pain now. I’ve had loved ones who suffered from depression and mental illness thanking their mothers, sisters, and brothers for standing by them and loving them unconditionally. They want you to know how they are lining up the best of things to come your way and what that looks like! Most often they are so grateful you never stop talking to them, thinking of them, and keep their memory alive! They show me when and how you honor them. Most of all, when they are speaking to you and you are receptive so that you know that was REALLY them when you thought you were connecting with them!

I cannot possibly write out all of what the spirit world wants to say, but please know they are with you every moment in everyday. Their love is eternal and they will be there for you as you continue to journey through this life.

Hope Taylor is a Psychic Medium that hosts special events several times per year at Wild Ginger Apothecary. Here next event in Sarasota is Sunday June 23rd. You can learn more about Hope here.

Hope Taylor Psychic Medium

Nicole Leffler

I am an intuitive business consultant and wellness junkie at Dharma Hive and New Moon Neuro. I am a soul searcher, dreamer, explorer, mama, community builder and educator.

When soul work and living your dharma meets business, true manifestation of your career dreams is possible. I believe and live this! I use all these experiences in my spiritual practice and business today. I have consulted businesses large and small since my management career began, eventually discovering the sweet spot of working with mindful entrepreneurs — near and far.

Wild Ginger Apothecary's CBD Education Video Series

We are excited to announce Wild Ginger Apothecary's CBD Education Series. In these videos, we will explore the benefits and use of CBD for health. At WGA, we are a community for health + wellness. We carry only organic, hemp-derived CBD products, with 3rd party lab testing for purity and strength. We pride ourselves on offering the area's best CBD product selection, with complimentary one-on-one consultation in selecting the best option for you.

Thanks to our CBD Educator, Steve, for sharing his knowledge with the WGA community. You can meet him weekly at CBD Coffee Hour - every Friday from 10am-12pm, as well as at our monthly CBD 101 class.



Nicole Leffler

I am an intuitive business consultant and wellness junkie at Dharma Hive and New Moon Neuro. I am a soul searcher, dreamer, explorer, mama, community builder and educator.

When soul work and living your dharma meets business, true manifestation of your career dreams is possible. I believe and live this! I use all these experiences in my spiritual practice and business today. I have consulted businesses large and small since my management career began, eventually discovering the sweet spot of working with mindful entrepreneurs — near and far.

February Astrological Forecast


Your February Horoscope 

By Suzanne Gerber

ARIES (March 21–April 19): Practice your juggling skills! This month, career demands or a project of your own compete for time with family and friends. Luckily, you’ll have energy to burn. On the 3rd, Venus enters your professional arena for the rest of the month—at least work will be social and creative! Looking to recruit people to a cause or mission? Make your appeal near the new moon in Aquarius on the 4th.  

TAURUS (April 20–May 20): Get ready for an infusion of energy! On the 14th, action planet Mars zooms into your sign for six weeks. Move that project from the back burner to the front and don’t turn down the heat till it’s done. Looking for work inspiration? The Aquarius new moon on the 4th could trigger a new development in the coming weeks. Get out there and network like the pro you are.

GEMINI (May 21–June 20): It’s a super-social month, with all the planets in your extroverted hemisphere. The first two weeks are great for exploring new venues, throwing parties or being a frequent guest. On the 14th, you might need to come in for a landing and recharge your batteries. A full Virgo supermoon on the 19th encourages time with close friends and family. Don’t forget to give your S.O. plenty of attention! 

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Going somewhere? Travel, adventure and anything that expands your horizons is favored this month as the Sun and curious Mercury buzzsaw through that part of your chart. But block out alone-time with your favorite partner in crime during the Aquarius new moon on the 4th and the following two weeks. That’s prime canoodling time! Try to wrap up a professional project by the 14th, when your motivation dips. 

LEO (July 23–August 22): Make a personal issue top priority so you can wrap it up for once and for all. Your romantic life gets a shot in the arm during the Aquarius new moon on the 4th and the two weeks that follow. Single? Try some new approaches—and keep an open mind! Professional matters will dominate your calendar after the 14th, when motivated Mars returns to your house of work and prestige after a two-year hiatus. 

VIRGO (August 23-September 22): The year’s only Aquarius new moon on the 4th puts health and fitness front and center for at least two weeks. If you’re still paying the piper for holiday indulgences, hop back on the wellness wagon now. You’ll be happy you did once the Sun joins outgoing Mercury in your relationship sector on the 18th. Planning a getaway? Get serious when Mars revs into your travel zone on the 14th. 

LIBRA (September 23–October 22): Fairy tales can come true… especially during the Aquarius new moon (4th) and full moon (19th). For once you’ll be leading with your heart not your head, so enjoy the quixotic energy! But once the Sun joins analytical Mercury in your house of work, service and self-care, plant those Havaianas back on terra firma and take care of business—including your own wellbeing! 

SCORPIO (October 23–November 21): Do you really want to hibernate in sunny Florida?! It may be hard to coax you out this month, with the planets packed into your privacy hemisphere. But you don’t have to be a hermit! If you’ve wanted to show off a renovation or new décor, or need an excuse to cook up a storm, throw a party—or several! Single? Ask friends to bring other singles and turn up the Scorpio charm.

 SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21): When lucky Venus makes her annual visit to your money zone on the 3rd, you could get a surprise windfall or someone may finally repay a debt. Also possible: You might find the pièce de résistance you’ve been searching for. If you’ve got the funds, go ahead and splurge! (If not but you still really “need” it, finance it.) Starting on the 14th, focus on healing a physical or emotional ache.

CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19): Your magnetism goes off the charts on the 3rd, when aesthetic Venus makes her annual visit to your sign. Been mulling a makeover—for your home or personal style? Start spending time on Pinterest or other home and fashion sites for inspiration. No need to rush, but be ready to “get your glam on” when excitable Mars blasts into your passion sector on the 14th for the first time in two years!

AQUARIUS (January–February 18): Ready for your close-up? The year’s only Aquarius new moon on the 4th inspires you to get serious about something you’ve been procrastinating on. Give yourself two more weeks to waffle—then pull the trigger! After the 18th, you can heal a riff with a sibling or friend—if you’re willing to let bygones be bygones. Feeling social? Start planning a fete for sometime after the 14th.

PISCES (February 18–March 20): Do something creative at work or in your love life the first two days of February, but then kick back and see how things play out. It’s a social month, though you may want to hide in your Fish tank during the introspective new moon on the 4th. If you’ve been nursing an emotional wound, take till the 19th, when a full supermoon in your relationship corner forces you to “deal.”

Suzanne Gerber of Stars & Stones Healing is a locally based intuitive astrologer, shamanic/energy practitioner and spiritual life coach. She works at Wild Ginger Apothecary in Gulf Gate on many Friday afternoons on a drop-in basis and is available for private in-person and phone sessions by appointment. Or book her for your next “psychic party”!


Nicole Leffler

I am an intuitive business consultant and wellness junkie at Dharma Hive and New Moon Neuro. I am a soul searcher, dreamer, explorer, mama, community builder and educator.

When soul work and living your dharma meets business, true manifestation of your career dreams is possible. I believe and live this! I use all these experiences in my spiritual practice and business today. I have consulted businesses large and small since my management career began, eventually discovering the sweet spot of working with mindful entrepreneurs — near and far.

January Astrological Forecast


What the Stars Have in Store for You for January 2019

By Suzanne Gerber

ARIES (March 21–April 19): You’ll be firing on all cylinders with your passionate ruler, Mars, marching through your sign all month. This gives you all the energy and motivation you need to tackle a big project that got sidelined over the holidays. On the 6th, Uranus ends a five-month retrograde in your sign that might have thrown a few wrenches your way. Now you don’t have to duck: You can outrun Uranus and the competition!

TAURUS (April 20–May 20): No more procrastinating! Leap out of your comfort zone and into something you talk about but never get around to. With your house of adventure, travel and education on fire, those areas may take on a new urgency. You can do something transformative on the 11th—and if you need a little push, ask for it! The week of the 21st kicks off a great month for your career, especially any new initiatives.

GEMINI (May 21–June 20): You may feel torn between enjoying an active social life and spending more time alone—in nature or with your partner. You can strengthen all kinds of significant relationships. For singles, it’s an excellent month for trying new approaches to meeting people, especially on the 6th and 11th. At work and socially, make a point of listening to people more. They might be feeling more sensitive than they’re letting on.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): You’ll be as lonely as you want to be this month! With half the sky piled into your relationship zone in future-oriented Capricorn, you’re thinking about the long haul. Single? Discuss your goals with serious prospects, and don’t shy away from asking questions about their financial footing. Solid couples might enjoy renewing their vows or planning a “special-anniversary” trip for later in the year. This bodes well for business partnerships, too.

LEO (July 23–August 22): January is a time for rest, renewal and dealing with any health issues you’ve let slide. Feeling fit as a fiddle? You can get more competitive in sports or hobbies, or learn a healing technique to help others. Give yourself the gift of self-care with massages, acupuncture or whatever you’re drawn to. This is a great month to volunteer and offer your services—pro bono if you’re in a position to.

VIRGO (August 23-September 22): You’re a practical earth sign, so even your “fun” needs to be somewhat practical—definitely not frivolous! But with a pileup of planets in your playful, creative and romantic zone all month, you might just break your own mold. Dating or spending quality time with your S.O. is priority number one, and the more active and artsy, the better. If you enjoy painting or doing crafts, make time for that too!

LIBRA (September 23–October 22): Home is where your heart is all month. If you’re ready to redecorate, renovate—or relocate—January presents some perfect opportunities. You’re not generally rash, yet now is a time to be extra future-minded. Make sure any changes will stand the test of time (not trendiness). Will a new home support “aging in place”? And make sure your partner is 100 percent in synch before you paint a single wall!

SCORPIO (October 23–November 21): Thinking and talking are great, but they aren’t doing! You’re ready to hit the gas on some personal goals, but “someone” might be more interested in discussing them than supporting you in actually working on them. Your co-ruler Mars is blasting ahead in trailblazing Aries, setting your mind is on fire! The trick is staying motivated even if you have to roll this out in phases.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21): Ever since your ruler, Jupiter, entered Sagittarius last November (for the first time in 12 years), you’ve felt like you could accomplish anything. And that’s true—with an asterisk. Now comes the “heavy lifting,” where you have to put in the elbow grease. Get that big dream into sharp focus, figure out the steps you have to take, make sure the funds are there, then put the pedal to the metal!

CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19): You wait all year for “Capricorn season”: Now that it’s here, are you clear on your top few objectives? In addition to the Sun in your sign, there are at least three other planets turbo-charging your goals all month, with January 2nd and 11th being particularly galvanizing. You already know that slow and steady will win the race. Now you can add a “pedal-assist” to get you there even faster!

AQUARIUS (January–February 18): The thing about holidays is, sometimes you need another week to recover from them! This month, a team of planets are hunkered down in your R+R zone, urging you to decompress. You’re a social creature, but even you need your downtime. January offers the chance for just that. Walk on the beach, hike local preserves, garden, meditate. This way, your batteries will be fully recharged in time for lively “Aquarius season,” which begins on the 20th.

PISCES (February 18–March 20): Your network is your net worth! January is all about socializing—for fun and professional advancement. This is a boom time for your career or raising your profile in the community, whether for yourself or a cause you’re involved in. You could hit on a new income stream, possibly involving artistic pursuits. It’s a great time to travel or plan an epic trip for later in the year.

Suzanne Gerber of Stars & Stones Healing is a locally based intuitive astrologer, shamanic/energy practitioner and spiritual life coach. She works at Wild Ginger Apothecary on many Friday afternoons on a drop-in basis and is available for private in-person and phone sessions by appointment.

Nicole Leffler

I am an intuitive business consultant and wellness junkie at Dharma Hive and New Moon Neuro. I am a soul searcher, dreamer, explorer, mama, community builder and educator.

When soul work and living your dharma meets business, true manifestation of your career dreams is possible. I believe and live this! I use all these experiences in my spiritual practice and business today. I have consulted businesses large and small since my management career began, eventually discovering the sweet spot of working with mindful entrepreneurs — near and far.

8 Benefits of CBD for Senior Citizens

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With the growing number of states across the country that have welcomed legislation making marijuana legal, both medically and recreationally, new products are being specifically tailored to the aging population. One such product, which comes in many forms, is Cannabidiol or CBD. CBD which can be delivered in multiple ways including oil vapor, topical cream, ingestible tinctures or edibles, is the non-psychoactive part found in marijuana. In layman terms, CBD delivers all of the benefits of marijuana without making the user high.  The positive effects that are brought on using CBD can be particularly welcoming to seniors.

Many seniors are not aware of how medical cannabis could improve their quality of life and how the stereotypical marijuana user and use has changed. Because CBD is extracted from the marijuana plant, seniors can take advantage of the medical benefits afforded by the extract without the head or body sensation often associated with marijuana. Additionally, seniors have the option of delivering CBD to their bodies in forms more familiar, rather than inhaling smoke. CBD is an oil extract and therefore can be added to things like topical gels, tinctures and edible products.

In many cases, these derivatives of cannabis can reduce or even replace the use of harmful and addictive prescription drugs. While this information is only now making its way into the mainstream, the natural consequence is, seniors drop their prejudices, face the reality and turn to the treatment of their minor and major age-related diseases using cannabis.

Here are 8 reasons why CBD should become a regular part of every seniors’ health routine as they age.

1.  Pain Relief

It has long been known that cannabis is a pain reliever to the same extent as, perhaps even better, prescription medication. For instance, clinical studies have proved that Marijuana is very effective in decreasing arthritis and nerve pain. Handmade, medical, boutique-style creams are the effective cure of different muscles and joint pains.

2.  Bone Health

Cannabis could provide a great need for the elderly as it relates to bone fragility. According to a study, cannabis use can help heal fractures and support healthier bones. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, cannabis can be very useful for patients with multiple sclerosis.

3.  Soothing Effects

Although CBD is known for its soothing effects on senior consumers, it promotes the feeling of energy and acts against inertia. This is because CBD strengthens cells in the human body and contributes to complete regeneration.

In addition, CBD is an antioxidant that promotes the sense of vigilance that can be disturbed by the presence of free radicals. A study shows that cannabidiol has stronger antioxidant properties than Vitamin C and Vitamin E.

4.  Fights Glaucoma

There has been growing research that supports a link between cannabis and the treatment of glaucoma. Glaucoma, which is a neurodegenerative disease (the breakdown of neurons in the communication process from the brain to the body), affects the sight of individuals from an increase in pressure in the eye known as intraocular pressure (IoP). Going back decades, there is supporting evidence that cannabinoids can reduce IoP by up to 25%, however the required dosage of inhalation of full THC cannabis has posed a risk to some patients. However, due to the accompanying symptoms of glaucoma, CBD as a pain management product works well, and may have the added benefit of helping reduce pressure.

5.  Insomnia and Sleep Issues

The older we get, the more difficult it is to achieve sustained periods of deep sleep. During the deep sleep phases, our brain regenerates and is freed from toxic substances, which were produced by the body itself. Therefore, sleep quality is also of immense importance to prevent age-related neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease or glaucoma. Frequently, elderly people are prescribed sleeping pills, which have a great potential for dependency and a wide range of unpleasant side effects. CBD can help in the extension of the deep sleep phase and the reduction of the lighter sleeping phases.

6.  Alternative to Prescription Medications

The number of seniors who use daily prescription drugs grows each year unnecessarily and continuously. Pharmaceutical companies present our government with one of the largest lobbying groups in the country, to promote the effectiveness and stability provided by their products. However, prescription drugs can be extremely dangerous for its users, and can be responsible for organ damage, tissue damage, drug addiction and even death.

 In comparison, marijuana is a safe alternative to prescription drugs, coming with fewer side effects and lower addictive traits. This benefit is heightened with CBD and in fact has been used to combat addiction to prescription drugs. Neither deaths nor overdoses have been documented, which are related to marijuana.

7.  Stimulates Appetite

A general, dangerous health hazard among older citizens is the loss of appetite, which causes weight loss, tissue weakness, and mental issues. While marijuana has been extensively researched, and shown to improve the appetite of users, CBD likewise has proven to be a good appetite stimulant and thus helpful for seniors.

8.  Alzheimer’s and Dementia

An emerging trend that is being researched is could marijuana prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease. According to multiple studies, cannabinoids, and by extension CBD, can contribute to the elimination of a toxic protein related to this disease. This is triggered by a loss of inflammation of the brain and regeneration of damaged cells.

While the potential benefits of CBD use are well documented, it is recommended that you always consult your physician regarding the use of any substance. And, further be aware that the use and possession of marijuana or CBD is illegal in several states. For a comprehensive list of states in which marijuana is and is not legal click here. 

Source: Senior Directory


Nicole Leffler

I am an intuitive business consultant and wellness junkie at Dharma Hive and New Moon Neuro. I am a soul searcher, dreamer, explorer, mama, community builder and educator.

When soul work and living your dharma meets business, true manifestation of your career dreams is possible. I believe and live this! I use all these experiences in my spiritual practice and business today. I have consulted businesses large and small since my management career began, eventually discovering the sweet spot of working with mindful entrepreneurs — near and far.

How Omega 3 Improves the Effectiveness of CBD


Many people have heard about the benefits of CBD from their friends and family. As they become more curious, they will often conduct searches like, “Does CBD work?” In doing so, they are seeking a scientific explanation as to how this works. They also want independent confirmation that CBD does indeed produce the benefits they’ve heard about. In this blog post, we will give you a short overview of the endocannabinoid system and explain how omega 3 can help make CBD work more effectively.

CBD and other cannabinoids found in CBD oil interact with the endocannabinoid system in the human body. This system consists of three basic components:
1. Specialized lipids produced naturally in a healthy human body which are similar to the cannabinoids found in CBD oil
2. Specialized receptors within the cell membranes of brain cells, immune system cells, and various internal organ cells.
3. Specialized enzymes that produce cannabinoids and or degrade them.

When you take CBD oil, CBD and cannabinoids in the oil interact with the receptors in your endocannabinoid system, just like cannabinoids synthesized naturally inside your body because the chemical structure is essentially the same. They may also be modulated in their action by the specialized enzymes that can break them down (degrade them). It is this interaction with your endocannabinoid system that allows the cannabinoids in CBD oil to perform their magic.

It turns out that omega 3 plays a very critical role in maintaining proper functioning of your endocannabinoid system. This cannot be overemphasized enough so pay very close attention to this message: if you do not get enough omega 3 in your diet or through supplementation, you will not receive as great a benefit from taking CBD oil!

Here are just a few of the ways omega 3 helps maintain your endocannabinoid system:
– Keeps the receptors healthy and functioning properly.
– Helps you grow more receptors when you need them.
– Helps repair receptors.
– Helps synthesize cannabinoids within the body. You need this even if you are supplementing with CBD oil!
– Helps keep your omega 6 to omega 3 ratio low. You need this to maintain healthy membranes that can support the receptors.
– Helps create one type of cannabinoid out of another type as needed.
– Helps create the enzymes needed to produce or degrade cannabinoids as needed to regulate the whole system.

An important experiment looking at the effects of too little omega 3 on the functioning of the endocannabinoid system in mice was published in Nature Neuroscience in January 2011. The paper was entitled, “Nutritional omega-3 deficiency abolishes endocannabinoid-mediated neuronal functions.” Here is the URL if you’d like to read about it:

It is important to note that mice have a very similar endocannabinoid system to humans and all other mammals. Also, if you read this scientific paper, and others on this subject, it can get a little confusing because omega 3 is usually referred to as n-3 PUFAs. For clarity, PUFA stands for polyunsaturated fatty acid which is a type of lipid or simply a “fat.” So, just read n-3 PUFA as the code word for “omega 3.”  Much research in this area has been done in the last five to ten years. People who have a poorly functioning endocannabinoid system are sometimes said to have “Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome” or “Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency” and this is often brought on by poor nutrition, especially the lack of omega 3.

To get more omega 3 into your diet, eat more fish and seafood. Vegetarian sources like pumpkin seeds, walnuts, flax seeds, and dark green leafy vegetables are also sources of omega 3 but nowhere near as good as fish and seafood. On days you do not eat fish or seafood, consider taking an omega 3 supplement to improve the effectiveness of CBD oil.

The next time you hear the question, “Does CBD work?” or you see this question posted online, please point them to this article as an introduction.

Source: Highland Pharms


Nicole Leffler

I am an intuitive business consultant and wellness junkie at Dharma Hive and New Moon Neuro. I am a soul searcher, dreamer, explorer, mama, community builder and educator.

When soul work and living your dharma meets business, true manifestation of your career dreams is possible. I believe and live this! I use all these experiences in my spiritual practice and business today. I have consulted businesses large and small since my management career began, eventually discovering the sweet spot of working with mindful entrepreneurs — near and far.

Are you seeking Spiritual Answers?

Greetings WGA Friends!

Are you seeking Spiritual Answers?

From AnnMarie Touchette, Spiritual Life Coach

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Many of us right now, are going through some major shifts.
Changes are happening in our lives.
This is affecting every aspect through our mental, physical, emotional  & spiritual selves.

I am here to let you know, that this is all part of our transformation of consciousness, energizing us as we go into the 2020’s.

Now is the time to awaken and look within.
All of humanity is now going up the next level in our development.
We all volunteered and came to attend Earth School. Today many of us have become aware that we are “more” and science has validated this for us.

Every one of us is a Spiritual Being, and we were given these special gifts when we came into this dimension to be a Human Being.

We now know more about the AfterLife, we don’t die, we have graduated and returned “home”.
Everyone has an “inner gut feeling” this is our natural knowingness.  
It is our inner voice or Intuition.

You may be feeling challenged, right now.  I am here to assist you.

My name is Rev AnnMarie Touchette, I am a spiritual life coach and educator.
My life path /purpose is lead by our universal source, God, guides, etc.  
Through this spiritual guidance, I have recently relocated to Sarasota Florida, via Texas and New Orleans.

As a Life coach, I offer one on one coaching and I use numerology and the tarot cards as tools to connect to your highest energy. I will discuss with you about your past present giving you the possibilities for your future. I am here to better balance the events of your everyday life in a loving, positive and prosperous direction.  I use my sense of humor to brighten your day.

As a Medium I am also able to connect to the afterlife and give you information that validates your loved ones are indeed around and watching over you. I offer spirit galleries and table tipping séances.

For those seeking more information about Who you were, as a Hypnotherapist I offer Past Life Regressions sessions. I also offer classes on developing your natural intuition.

I am available at Wild Ginger Apothecary by appointment.

For questions comments or more information contact me at: 817-528-8841 / AnnMarieTouchette.com

Nicole Leffler

I am an intuitive business consultant and wellness junkie at Dharma Hive and New Moon Neuro. I am a soul searcher, dreamer, explorer, mama, community builder and educator.

When soul work and living your dharma meets business, true manifestation of your career dreams is possible. I believe and live this! I use all these experiences in my spiritual practice and business today. I have consulted businesses large and small since my management career began, eventually discovering the sweet spot of working with mindful entrepreneurs — near and far.

PRESS: Style Magazine Health & Wellness


As seen in Sarasota Herald Tribune's Style Magazine: HEALTH & WELLNESS: Nicole Leffler, owner of Wild Ginger Apothecary

Wild Ginger Apothecary offers a vast array of alternative and natural beauty and health products. After almost 15 years in the industry, owner Nicole Leffler makes sure to offer cannabidiol (CBD) in many of them. Though it is a derivative of cannabis plants, CBD is not psychoactive, and, in fact, is legal in all 50 states and does not require a prescription. 6557 Superior Ave., Sarasota; 941-312-5630; wildgingerapothecary.com.

What are cannabinoids and what are the benefits to humans?
Cannabis plants contain over 100 naturally active compounds called cannabinoids. The human body has a central regulatory system called the endocannabinoid system (ECS) that contributes to a variety of biological processes, establishing the body’s natural state of balance for the central regulatory system.

Why would one supplement with them?
Endocannabinoids interact with the body’s central regulatory system. They’re the cannabinoids our bodies can produce as needed. If we have a deficiency or imbalance, our system recognizes and responds to cannabinoids from external sources (phytocannabinoids) that can promote healing.

How do endocannabinoids accomplish this?
Basically, they bind to cannabinoid receptors in both the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. This is also true for “phytocannabinoids,” the naturally occurring compounds that include CBD.

What’s the difference between THC and CBD?
Both are cannabinoids; THC, however, is psychoactive and requires a medical marijuana license for use in Florida. CBD is the most abundant naturally occurring non-psychoactive cannabinoid, totally legal in all 50 states.

What are some of the health benefits of CBD?
Research shows CBD has helped people with a host of conditions, including multiple sclerosis, arthritis, chronic pain, inflammation, high blood pressure, anxiety and depression. This compound supports feelings of relaxation, and can reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood and sleep and increase mental clarity.

Do you also recommend CBD for pets?
Yes, and for the same reasons. It’s effective for pain relief in animals and reduces anxiety, which is especially helpful during thunderstorms! Older dogs can really benefit from a daily CBD dosage.

What’s a short list of your CBD products?
CBD offerings include everything from tinctures, capsules, edibles (chocolates, gummies, honey, tea, etc.), vape options, topicals (balms, oils, face care, lotions, etc.), and more. We offer more than 100 options of CBD products.

How can our readers learn more?
CBD educators are always available in the store. They offer free, one-on-one CBD consultations, with a focus on individual health needs.

Nicole Leffler

I am an intuitive business consultant and wellness junkie at Dharma Hive and New Moon Neuro. I am a soul searcher, dreamer, explorer, mama, community builder and educator.

When soul work and living your dharma meets business, true manifestation of your career dreams is possible. I believe and live this! I use all these experiences in my spiritual practice and business today. I have consulted businesses large and small since my management career began, eventually discovering the sweet spot of working with mindful entrepreneurs — near and far.

Review: CBD + Mood

CBD Oil Sarasota

I began my CBD journey with a bottle of CBD Oil. I used the 1000mg at first, experimenting with different dosages throughout the initial trial, and am happy to report my experience was a very positive one.

The first time using CBD Oil was in the evening right before bed, and when I woke up the next morning I could tell something was different. The last few years I have struggled with depression that seemed to be most intense in the mornings. It was like a huge dark cloud was waiting for me as I woke up.

After using CBD Oil, I woke up and the cloud was gone. I was in a bit of disbelief at first - but as the day continued I really felt different.  I felt lighter, my thoughts were clearer and it was much easier to focus. As I have continued to use CBD Oil, the biggest thing that I am observing is that not only is the dark cloud gone, but emotionally I feel much stronger on a day to day basis. Where I used to feel stressed, weak or overwhelmed, I now have a renewed sense of peace and resilience.

After having such a remarkable experience with CBD Oil, I wanted to get a better idea of why I was feeling this shift, so I jumped in to the research. What I started to understand was that CBD supports the body by regulating the nervous system, and helps balance the different neurotransmitters that play a role in almost every system in the body. What I was experiencing started to make more sense. CBD is referred to a “smart” supplement because it seems to know how to bring balance where things are out of balance. 

Because I was having such positive results I asked my 15 year old son to try it and after a couple of days he reported that the anxiety that he was living with (and just thought was normal) had disappeared.

After these experiences I am wishing that I would have opened my mind to CBD much earlier. In the short time that I have been working with CBD Oil, my quality of life has definitely improved.  I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to anyone whose looking for “smart” way to support their nervous system and bring more balance to their life.

Guest post by Wild Ginger Apothecary customer.

Full-Spectrum CBD Oil and other hemp-derived CBD products are in-stock now at Wild Ginger Apothecary. Visit us at 6557 Superior Avenue in the Gulf Gate Shopping Village. Feel free to email or call anytime at 941.312.5630.  

Nicole Leffler

I am an intuitive business consultant and wellness junkie at Dharma Hive and New Moon Neuro. I am a soul searcher, dreamer, explorer, mama, community builder and educator.

When soul work and living your dharma meets business, true manifestation of your career dreams is possible. I believe and live this! I use all these experiences in my spiritual practice and business today. I have consulted businesses large and small since my management career began, eventually discovering the sweet spot of working with mindful entrepreneurs — near and far.

What does Pisces season have in store for YOU?

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From Suzanne Gerber, WGA's on-site Astrologer:

Dear Friends and Fellow Seekers,

Pisces season is upon us, helping us "close the books" on another zodiac year and start planting the seeds we want to sprout in the next one, which begins on March 20, aka the first day of Aries. Regardless of your sun sign, these next three-plus weeks are prime time for clearing house, letting go and moving on.

The symbol for Pisces is two fish swimming in opposite directions yet bound together by an unbreakable cord. The Pisces among you innately understand that inner tug of war. But on a deeper level, as the last of the 12 signs, it also symbolizes the cycles of life and death—or really, birth and rebirth. (For what is "death" but transformation?)

Pisces rules the twelfth house of the zodiac wheel, where things dissolve and regenerate. Qualities we ascribe to this house and sign (and its ruler, nebulous Neptune) are endings, transitions, dreams, imagination, creativity, intuition, spontaneous healing, the divine, the mystical, the magical, the impossible. It's also associated with escape, addiction, fantasy, madness and secret enemies. See why so many find Pisces inscrutable!

I was taught and completely believe that all the signs have something to teach the rest of us. And I have learned at the feet of true Pisces masters! (There's a little astro-humor there, as Pisces rules the feet.) A short list of those teachers of mine includes my mother (double Pisces), my son (incalculably Pisces), four exes, and many super-close friends. These wise old souls have taught me to loosen up on my reins and let things flow; that manifesting doesn't happen by willful pushing; that we need to get out of our own way and align with greater forces; and when all those cosmic cherries line up, we hit the jackpot. For the record, not all of my Pisces teachers are aware of this curriculum. Sometimes we learn by watching others flounder—sorry, bad fish pun!

During these four weeks of introspection, rumination and catch and release, we are all invited to take spiritual inventory. What are you still trying to "reel in" to your life, what are you struggling to let go of? And—the real question—what's getting in your way? The other embossed invitation of Pisces season is to shift out of our manic, driven, goal- and self-oriented Western mindset and discover how it feels to feel our way through, as if we're wandering in pitch darkness. True, we might stumble. Yes, we might fall. But in the process, we may also stumble upon a way to fall into rhythm with our wiser selves. And by becoming entrained to a higher wisdom, we might finally figure out how the law of attraction really works.

Questions? Comments? Insights? I'd love to hear from you. And if you'd like your very own personal astrological consultation, just drop a line. (Drop a line: Get it??)

Nebulously yours,

Suzanne will be available for Astrology Readings Fridays and by appointment at Wild Ginger Apothecary: Studio + Lounge. To reserve a spot, call/text her at 917.748.4644 or email suzannegerber0@gmail.com.

Intuitive astrologer and energy healer Suzanne Gerber has been called “eerily accurate,” “insightful and transformational” and a “soul tuner.” By working with your birth chart and tuning into your energy field, she channels remarkably specific information about work, love, relationships, money, home, travel, health, life purpose and whatever else you’re curious about. As a “spiritual life coach,” Suzanne has helped thousands of people gain greater understanding of their talents, challenges and destiny over the past 33 years. A reading can provide insight, guidance and confirmation or help you navigate current roadblocks. But sometimes talking isn’t enough, and that’s where her training as a shamanic practitioner and Reiki/energy healer comes in. After she’s read your chart, Suzanne can cleanse and rebalance your chakras, locate and remove energetic blocks and cords, and perform traditional shamanic healings, like Illumination and Soul Retrieval. You can read more at her website, www.starsandstoneshealing.com.

Nicole Leffler

I am an intuitive business consultant and wellness junkie at Dharma Hive and New Moon Neuro. I am a soul searcher, dreamer, explorer, mama, community builder and educator.

When soul work and living your dharma meets business, true manifestation of your career dreams is possible. I believe and live this! I use all these experiences in my spiritual practice and business today. I have consulted businesses large and small since my management career began, eventually discovering the sweet spot of working with mindful entrepreneurs — near and far.

CBD Coffee: The Perfect Pair

CBD Coffee Cannabis Clever Cup Sarasota Florida

3 Reasons Why CBD-Infused Coffee Is Amazing

Coffee and cannabis go together better than peanut butter and jelly. Recent research has found that caffeine and cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychotropic compound in the cannabis plant, may have some synergistic effects.

The study was conducted in zebrafish and found that long-term caffeine consumption protects against memory loss associated with extremely high doses of CBD (the benefits of isolated CBD seem to diminish the further you exceed your therapeutic dose range). 

While humans and zebrafish are two entirely different creatures, this perhaps suggests that caffeine might be a useful additive to consider in CBD therapies due their synergistic effect. And vice versa, you may benefit by splashing a little CBD into your daily caffeine dose.

Although research in humans is needed, the authors do mention that zebrafish have responses to CBD that are similar to other animal models.

So, what else can we say about this relationship between CBD and coffee?

1. CBD eases anxiety

Tired of having the jitters? CBD may be helpful for balancing out the sometimes overly stimulating effects of caffeine.

It is fairly well documented in preclinical literature that CBD is a potent anxiolytic.

Caffeine, on the other hand, can trigger anxiety attacks. Caffeine is a stressor that can trigger the release of the hormone adrenaline in the body.  Adrenaline is what triggers the fight or flight response, promoting stress and anxiety.  

CBD, however, may counteract some of these effects. CBD-infused coffee is stimulating without the edge.

CBD and caffeine both interact with adenosine in the body. Adenosine is a calming neurotransmitter that helps the body determine when it's time to stay awake and when you need more sleep. 

However, CBD and caffeine have opposite effects on this time clock chemical. Caffeine blocks the body from being able to feel the sedative effects of adenosine. With CBD, however, early research suggests that CBD may improve the body's response to adenosine. It seemingly does this by increasing the amount of calming adenosine available for the body to use.

This is why a little CBD can ease caffeine-induced nervousness. 

The anti-anxiety effects of CBD are quite powerful. In humans, British researchers have found that CBD is antipsychotic. In a phase 2 study of 88 patients with schizophrenia found that CBD successfully improved cognition and symptoms of the condition. In this case, CBD was used as an adjunctive therapy in treatment-resistant patients.

2. CBD is energizing and boosts mood

Early research has shown that low-dose CBD seems to have an energizing effect. This means that you can feel stimulated and awake with less overall caffeine. No need to order a second espresso or upsize your latte.

CBD also inspires an overall sense of positive well-being. Animal research suggests that the cannabinoid can boost mood, which can make waking up a little easier. 2016 rodent study found that CBD treatment caused a rapid increase in serotonin, a feel-good neurotransmitter that is often regulated with antidepressants.

Cranky in the morning? A cup of joe can help. Coffee also has some mood-lifting properties. A  2011 study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that women who drank 3 cups of caffeinated coffee each day were 15 percent less likely to develop depression.

Combining the two? Seems like a great way to start the day. Not to mention, CBD is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory, which can be helpful for those with morning time tension in the muscles and joints.

3. CBD and caffeine are both potent antioxidants

Both coffee and CBD are superfoods. Several compounds in coffee, including caffeine, are powerful antioxidants. Coffee is considered the biggest source of antioxidants in the Western Diet. Antioxidants protect cells and DNA from damage, which supports healing and offers protection against aging.

CBD is also a powerful antioxidant. In fact, the U.S. Government owns a patent (US6630507 B1) on “Cannabinoids as Antioxidants and Neuroprotectants.” Cannabinoids like CBD are expected to be particularly helpful for recovery from major brain events like trauma or stroke.

We're thrilled to announce that our neighbors at The Clever Cup Coffee Shop now offer our Siesta Key Sea Bee Dee CBD tincture as an add-on option to their delicious coffee beverages!  Ask for it next time you place an order!  Or pick up your own bottle at Wild Ginger Apothecary next time you're in, to make your own CBD Coffee right at home!

Clever Cup Coffee Sarasota CBD Coffee Cannabis Florida
CBD Coffee Sarasota
CBD Sarasota CBD Coffee Sarasota Cannabis 

Nicole Leffler

I am an intuitive business consultant and wellness junkie at Dharma Hive and New Moon Neuro. I am a soul searcher, dreamer, explorer, mama, community builder and educator.

When soul work and living your dharma meets business, true manifestation of your career dreams is possible. I believe and live this! I use all these experiences in my spiritual practice and business today. I have consulted businesses large and small since my management career began, eventually discovering the sweet spot of working with mindful entrepreneurs — near and far.

Anatomical Empowerment

Yoga for Anatomical Empowerment Workshop

On January 27th, 2018 from 2-4 PM I’ll be offering a workshop entitled Yoga for Anatomical Empowerment at Wild Ginger Apothecary's Studio.  When I first chose the title for this workshop, I liked it because it had some oomph, it’s a series of strong words that (hopefully) invoke curiosity -- it has for me, at least!

In considering more deeply what I meant by this phrase, I’ve delved into a deeper analysis of what EMPOWERMENT really means. This is one of those buzzwords, especially in feminist and other alternative circles, that gets thrown around without a lot of definition.

So the analysis begins with what is POWER? According to Starhawk, a leader in contemporary discussions about power, there are three types of power : power-over -- linked to domination and control, power-from-within -- empowerment, and power-with -- the influence we wield among equals (from The Empowerment Manual). Power has been coveted, shared, stolen, abused and upheld in countless ways throughout history, taking each of these different forms across contexts, and having become a bit of dirty word. But power is just a kind of energy, able to be wielded for good, evil and everything in between.

The power I’m interested in talking about here is power-from-within, which yields a sense of being EMPOWERED. To me, this means having the confidence and agency to act based on your own needs, desires, ambitions and preferences. Power is taken away from us when we are unable to act in our own best interest - empowerment is having the courage to act.

Power comes from many different sources, but the sources I hope to share in this workshop are information and awareness. I believe that much of the power of yoga comes from this source - the more deeply present and aware we are, the more consciously we can move through our lives, the more we can connect to a sense of confidence and agency.

There are many layers of awareness, perhaps best seen through the koshas, or the framework for layers of self laid out by ancient yogis. We can be aware of our physical body, breath body, mental/emotional body, wisdom body and bliss body -- the more tuned in we are to each of these layers, the more presence we cultivate.

In this workshop, we will focus primarily on the physical body, anna maya kosha, a layer of self many of us in our culture have lost connection to. As our jobs keep us sitting down for hours at a time, the pressures of our work keep us in our head, we often overlook the POWER that can come from awareness and information offered by our bodies.

Not only will we examine our physical movement patterns, and what a personalized yoga practice might look like for each student, we will delve in to how to feels to listen so deeply to our bodies, we gain a deep sense of empowerment. Our bodies are a treasure trove of information and guidance, available at any and every moment. Come connect to your anatomy through this practice, and cultivate your internal sources of power.

Leah Van Winkle is a Sarasota native, back for the winter from her home in Kentucky to share all that she has learned with the local yoga community! She has trained extensively in various styles of yoga at Kripalu Center in MA, The Om Place in Winchester, KY, and with teachers such as Doug Keller and Tom Myers, most of this training with a heavy focus on anatomy and the subtle details of alignment. Leah is also a professional Thai Bodyworker, trained with renowned teachers like Michael Sitzer, Noam Tyroler, and soon to train in the Soma Veda Lineage. Besides yoga, Leah loves outdoor adventure, delicious, nourishing food (especially ferments!), and learning as much as she can about whatever she can. Feel free to reach out with questions and clarifications about any of these offerings!

Nicole Leffler

I am an intuitive business consultant and wellness junkie at Dharma Hive and New Moon Neuro. I am a soul searcher, dreamer, explorer, mama, community builder and educator.

When soul work and living your dharma meets business, true manifestation of your career dreams is possible. I believe and live this! I use all these experiences in my spiritual practice and business today. I have consulted businesses large and small since my management career began, eventually discovering the sweet spot of working with mindful entrepreneurs — near and far.

Stress and Relaxation

stress relaxation

We’ve all heard it a million times, chronic stress is unhealthy -- weight gain, inflammation, low energy, illness, and countless more symptoms are attributed to staying in a constantly hyper aroused, high cortisol state. The ill effects of our overbooked lives are no secret -- the phrase chronic stress is thrown around so often, the meaning is almost gone!

What do you think, feel or notice when the concept comes up - do you KNOW if you are chronically stressed? Do you feel able to do something about it? Do you know what stress feels like in your body? In your heart and mind? Does thinking about stress give you more stress?

What about relaxation? Do you have a clear idea of what relaxation FEELS like in your body, heart and mind? Can you imagine or feel that sense of release that comes when you let go of tension? What is the quality of thought or emotion when you’re in a relaxed state? How do you interact with the people around you? What is your relationship to creativity and expression?

Take a few moments to pause where you are, sit up tall and take a few deep breaths.What’s present for you here? Explore more deeply, and begin to notice the difference between stress and ease :

-Draw your shoulders up by your ears on an inhale, release all tension on the exhale
-Make fists with the hands on an inhale, release all tension on the exhale
-Draw navel toward spine, creating tension in the belly on an inhale, release all tension on the exhale
-Move through any other parts of your body you suspect may hold stress, inhaling to exacerbate and deeply experience that stress, exhaling to completely release

Pause for a few moments to feel the difference in your body, heart and mind -- are you surprised to notice that some part of your body was holding or gripping under your conscious awareness? What do you notice about your ability to be present after finding some release? What do you notice about the quality of thought and emotion now?

Decreasing stress levels doesn’t have to mean changing everything about your lifestyle -- it can be as simple as starting to notice the difference between stress and ease. Take a few seconds throughout the day to pause and notice where you’re holding tension in your body, to take a few deep breaths, and to let it all go. In those seconds, choose how you want to show up to your day - with presence, ease, kindness or whatever else.

The more often you experience a state of relaxation, the more deeply it gets patterned into your neurology, the more easily you will be able to tap into that feeling, no matter what you’re doing or where you are.

Of course, there are practices that can help cultivate that state -- regularly attending yoga classes, especially restorative and frequent massage can help make ease your default state.

Join Leah Van Winkle RYT-500 on January 20th from 2-4 PM at Wild Ginger Studio + Lounge for a Restorative Thai Mini Yoga Retreat, where you’ll learn to the difference between stress and ease, and drop deeply into states of surrender.

Leah Van Winkle is a Sarasota native, back for the winter from her home in Kentucky to share all that she has learned with the local yoga community! She has trained extensively in various styles of yoga at Kripalu Center in MA, The Om Place in Winchester, KY, and with teachers such as Doug Keller and Tom Myers, most of this training with a heavy focus on anatomy and the subtle details of alignment. Leah is also a professional Thai Bodyworker, trained with renowned teachers like Michael Sitzer, Noam Tyroler, and soon to train in the Soma Veda Lineage. Besides yoga, Leah loves outdoor adventure, delicious, nourishing food (especially ferments!), and learning as much as she can about whatever she can. Feel free to reach out with questions and clarifications about any of these offerings!

Leah Van Winkle Restorative Thai Yoga Sarasota Florida

Nicole Leffler

I am an intuitive business consultant and wellness junkie at Dharma Hive and New Moon Neuro. I am a soul searcher, dreamer, explorer, mama, community builder and educator.

When soul work and living your dharma meets business, true manifestation of your career dreams is possible. I believe and live this! I use all these experiences in my spiritual practice and business today. I have consulted businesses large and small since my management career began, eventually discovering the sweet spot of working with mindful entrepreneurs — near and far.